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  1. Gliderskier

    Who makes a ride plate that I won't break

    Will that for a rickter fr2
  2. Gliderskier

    Who makes a ride plate that I won't break

    Bought a rickter. Had big surf on the east coast this week. And here's another ride plate to the list. Looks like I have to get used to riding without one
  3. Gliderskier

    If you could live anywhere and ride surf!

    Middle of the US where land is cheap and build a giant wave pool where you can have perfect surf all day long
  4. Gliderskier

    RICKTER talk

    I think I saw $6650 somewhere for the edge @eastcoastjumper Make the move! Get off that fixed steer and back to the pole ski!
  5. Gliderskier

    Surfriding Who rides south florida?

    Awesome thanks. Just requested to join group
  6. Gliderskier

    Surfriding Who rides south florida?

    I may be heading down to the palm beach are for a week or so around October 22-28. I was debating on bringing my skis just wondering if there's a solid group of guys to ride with while I'm down there and if so where do you guys ride. Oh yea and I ride pretty much only surf. Thanks guys
  7. Gliderskier

    The Unseen footage

    Whoops couldn't hold on
  8. Gliderskier

    Boat Wake Barrel Rolls

    Too fast? Nah faster! Gotta see how fast I hit waves in the surf. Makes it look like I'm not moving off this boat wake
  9. Gliderskier

    Looking for waves!

    Killer waves on the way working themselves up the east coast. They'll be here in NY on Thursday!
  10. Gliderskier

    Who makes a ride plate that I won't break

    Don't recall think I hit my head a few too many times considering I broke my helmet
  11. Gliderskier

    Who makes a ride plate that I won't break

    I saw those rend ones about a month ago and thought about it. Especially pretty cheap. Thought being from eBay wasn't sure about them. So ou guys say pretty good?
  12. Gliderskier

    Who makes a ride plate that I won't break

    That was the hold hull that was shortened. I liked to blame them breaking because of the shortened hull but I destroyed that hull; split the bottom open so now I'm on a stock round nose hull. No shortening 100% original and this jet dynamics plate breaks
  13. Gliderskier

    Who makes a ride plate that I won't break

    Well looks like it's time to try a carbon one or a worx plate and see how long it lasts
  14. Gliderskier

    Who makes a ride plate that I won't break

    So I've gone through three ride plates in about a year. It's starting to get aggravating. I ride surf and only in the surf and hit bottom maybe once with the tail otherwise I shove the nose in if I hit. First one that broke was stock but I kind of expected that then my Riva quadrafin and now a...
  15. Gliderskier

    2015 Superjet Release

    Have it come with a bpipe on it and possible mag pump. Like an octane did. And have it come with a head or at least have a miller stock one am the second cooling line already ran.
  16. Gliderskier

    My first day ever on the surf! Chilling with the eastcoast boys

    There's a ramp at lido beach right at the end of the loop pkwy @rickasurus
  17. Gliderskier

    Super Jet Broken ride plate

    I break one between every two rides. Got used to riding without one.
  18. Gliderskier

    Super Jet Bpipe jetting single 44sbn 62tcases

    Going down to a single in my ski. Just ADA head and a bpipe. What do you guys thing for a single 44 on 62t cases/ 61x cylinders. Jetting and needle/seat and pop off. Thanks guys
  19. Gliderskier

    Custom/Hybrid New Krash Industries Predator

    Dirtydirtson. Get a bpipe first
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