Looking at trying this out for my ski. Im running a 735 motor, OEM charging still in place and a bilge pump (as a backup to a scupper)
Any problems running this battery in my setup?
Thanks, why is the Blowsion so bad? I dont have a stocker on hand - but I do have a spare blowsion on hand. I hear its just to springy, but it can be heated to de-tension it?
Wow I didn't realize it was such a 50/50 split here.. . My decision is getting harder
I like the spring because that's what I am used to. I haven't spent but a few rides on a stiff pole but didn't like it to much - but it was a really really stiff pole. I'm thinking something middle ground...
I have always been a spring guy myself, but am contemplating running a tight(er) pole and skipping the spring on my Rickter build.
Whats better and why?
I have the pole together now - most of you guys are not running springs then? Seems hard to sinch it up tight on that RRP base.
Im running a billet pole - spacer still needed?
Anyone ever ran this setup? How would it run on a Non-TL system?
I think some other guys rum Plexus. I'm not familiar with the stuff but apparently it's the same glue that's used to put the two halves of the hull together. I think it's stronger than 5200
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