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  1. paczowski123

    Other Hitch Hauler Lets see everyone's Hitch Hauler pics and setups

    For those of yall using a hauler like this, what type of trailers do yall tow with the additional ball on the back. I have been trying to think of a way to bring my ski with my boat, but I worry about having a ski hauler, then another ball on the back of the hauler for towing my 3k lb boat...
  2. paczowski123

    Other How do you insure your AM hull build

    So, the way I read what Stacy said was that if claims began to be made that their carrier would cut them off. Doesn't that blatantly state that if claims were ever made they would eventually not pay anymore. Well, my question is how many would it take before they stop paying should claims start...
  3. paczowski123

    Great gathering in Georgia!

    SO mad i wasn't here!!
  4. paczowski123

    Got Some Work To Do!

    Yeah I was definitely late on the throttle, I've also been working on getting my 180's a bit less nose down and not as high as well. Also been working on making my setup wakes as well, for me, getting the timing down for that has been challenging. I'd say about 1 out of 5 feel like I get it right
  5. paczowski123

    Got Some Work To Do!

    Pablo, I will definitely try on the setup wake, trim is next on my list of add ons, should be ordered here in the next week or so!
  6. paczowski123

    Got Some Work To Do!

    Yeah I know they would be easier off a boat wake, but the thought of getting that high and potentially landing upside down does have me very excited lol
  7. paczowski123

    Got Some Work To Do!

    Nothin special, but got a video of my flip attempts, better titled as flops on my Chan. Still haven't built up the balls to attempt them off a setup wake, so I just go from 180 spin to attempt them. Attempting them with a jetmaniac 735 61X and no trim. Hope to have trim in the next week or two...
  8. paczowski123

    DASA 1200 Stryker pics

    That's amazing, but I still don't understand what anyone could do with all of that power. At any time do EVER use full throttle?? Lol
  9. paczowski123

    Pro Level Barrell Roll

    Looks good, I don't have the balls yet to try one.
  10. paczowski123

    Trim Options

    Oh ok, thanks superjetfreak
  11. paczowski123

    Trim Options

    What is used to seal the trim cable tube on the hull? It's not like a steering cable so could you use a piece of 1/2 hose stepped down to 3/8, then run the cable through and zip tie it sealed or something?
  12. paczowski123

    Custom/Hybrid Footholds-Yes, it's time for another thread! Padding, show off your trays, etc.#bestfootholdsthread

    Kinda random, but your padding on the back end of the tray reminds me of a human silhouette.
  13. paczowski123

    Trim Options

    Yes, Thrust is nice! Still deciding, but leaning towards that what you have on your Freak?
  14. paczowski123

    Trim Options

    Damn, there's always something!
  15. paczowski123

    Trim Options

    Ok, so in order to make this trim system work, I need a 62T reduction nozzle, is that correct? Do I need a different turn nozzle than what is on my current pump. The pump/reduction/steering nozzle I am using came from a 94 SN?
  16. paczowski123

    Trim Options

    I have not, I'll check it out though.
  17. paczowski123

    Trim Options

    Oh, so does that prevent the thrust from leaking past the turn nozzle?
  18. paczowski123

    Trim Options

    What's the coupler mod?
  19. paczowski123

    Trim Options

  20. paczowski123

    Trim Options

    Small hands lol?
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