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  1. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Before after Wow what a diffrents after 2 months
  2. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Motor in/the wifey's sxr Still need to get the versimax and fuel fiters
  3. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Turf done rrp handpole install
  4. tnt01

    superjet make over in today
  5. tnt01

    superjet make over

    My paint job is far from being perfect knowing it is a home garage paint job,however thats the process i take and what i have learn back in the days went i used to own my own not all that hard from taping to laying down paint it all about being patience that why i thank my wife for...
  6. tnt01

    superjet make over

    I painted the graffix first(orange)due to the build up on the coats i layed down,then i tape up the graffix so that the second(blue)will build up to the coats that was lay down on the graffix,at the end u will not feel the lines on the graffix under the clearcoat.
  7. tnt01

    Rockered shortened Superjet build

    It nice to know that.i was hoping to fly to daytona to see other chop up hull and see how they ride in the surf.there not alot of modded sj hull here in wa state,if there is i haven't seen them...
  8. tnt01

    Rockered shortened Superjet build

    It sound like my build just when you think your ready to paint there somthing else to do..nice job it looks like your close to getting it interesting what u have quoted on the a/m hulls.i never own a a/m hull and always wishing i own one,but after what u had quoted i hope my hull handle...
  9. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Thanks jetx can wait to break meant to ride it,it's going to be different ride
  10. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Nah with all the sanding i did i don't think i am up for the task...
  11. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Clean up the power plant,just thinking about it the motor is tune but not broken in yet not even a full tank of gas has gone through it yet,i install the topend kit late sept and not really felt the power on going to be a fun riding season.. This is my next build it did great till...
  12. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Pump installed and intake grate
  13. tnt01

    superjet make over

    It was a winter build last year and i was waiting for some parts so i was it look cool when u have aftermarket coupler
  14. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Just a little something with the coupler cover,been running for year now
  15. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Around 300.00 with hardener and reducer,clearcoat one qt each,but it depends on what kind of color your going with and brand of paint
  16. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Cleaning the dust of the pump,i went ahead and painted the trim nozzle
  17. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Yeah i think after this build i am done with upgrade and rebuilds..
  18. tnt01

    superjet make over

    Parts list that going back in 735 motor jm topend kit ported and bore w/zero lighten flywheel 38's carbs w/75 low/137.5 highs jets.stock f/a 2 screen remove Jm vf2 reeds jm ada billet throttle wheel jm ada head w/35cc domes jm ada coupler factory limited pipe w/jetwork fcv limitedslip7 fuel...
  19. tnt01

    superjet make over

    3 coat of color,6 coat of clear.painting is done,hull is done....
  20. tnt01

    superjet make over

    3 coats of copper orange for the graffix unmasking the tape it turn out pretty good
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