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  1. brylon644

    sxi pro backfiring

    Long story short, I just brought this pro home and ran fine when picked up. Cleaned the carbs and installed a primer kit. Also fixed 2 of the broken plastic grommet caps on the ebox. reassembled everything and now it won't rev out and it backfires like crazy when you try to open the throttle...
  2. brylon644

    Hilarious thread of nonjetskiers talking about standups

    I found my new riding gear for the season. Forget a jetpilot vest... I'm going to mens warehouse
  3. brylon644

    Interlux Bilgekote question

    So to anybody wondering. You can tint the interlux paint... but from what I can tell you can't tint the grey all the way to a black. I added about pint of black colorant to the grey quart. Tested it on wood and some fiberglass and found that it doesn't dry hard compared to the untouched...
  4. brylon644

    Interlux Bilgekote question

    I added my own inserts, and lets just say my carbon laying skills aren't on par. Also its just the inside which no one will ever see but me. The time to clear and sand and clear again wouldn't be worth it. Black paint is the easiest and is easy to touch up/repaint if I have to.
  5. brylon644

    Interlux Bilgekote question

    Ok thanks. Was thinking I could get away with just cleaning and paint. Just wanted to make sure it would turn out and hold up ok. I bought the grey and am going to try and tint it black. Will post some picks when I'm done
  6. brylon644

    Interlux Bilgekote question

    Going to paint the inside of my carbon brawler. Do I prime the carbon first or not? Its a new hull
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