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  1. enzo

    Cool Head Domes

    I have one. It uses Pro-tec domes.
  2. enzo

    Hey man! Looking for some misc parts for a roundie- -Pole bolt and nut -Chinpad -Scoop grate...

    Hey man! Looking for some misc parts for a roundie- -Pole bolt and nut -Chinpad -Scoop grate Thanks!
  3. enzo

    Cuong's Pismo Pictures

    I love a good bail out picture...And that series of you was one of the best I have seen!
  4. enzo

    Big Pismo Surf.

    Might not have room this weekend. But you can give it to Bruce anytime.
  5. enzo

    Big Pismo Surf.

    Yes. Was epic for surf riding. My balls get kinda small for jumping when it gets that big. This Sunday looks to be huge too. I will be there.
  6. enzo

    Suzieq's lost & found thread for pismo!

    Now you have to keep it!
  7. enzo

    Suzieq's lost & found thread for pismo!

    I lost a SN hull! Forgot all about it...Sent Bruce out there at 7PM and he said it was gonzo.
  8. enzo

    ---->>>>pics and vids thread<<<<----more added!

    Nice pics! Man, Ross can flip any size wave anytime. It was fun to watch.
  9. enzo

    I completely spaced it. Bruce was going to get it and he forgot. I remembered at 6:30 last...

    I completely spaced it. Bruce was going to get it and he forgot. I remembered at 6:30 last night and sent Bruce back out to get it. Someone told him Stan took it. I will get it from him later. Thanks for the hull! Sorry about the hassle lol.
  10. enzo

    The no-no ride,

    Good should never leave your wing-man! I made a judgment call and luckily it worked out.
  11. enzo

    The no-no ride,

    I felt fine until the last 1000 feet or so. Got really light headed and had to concentrate on breathing and not spending to much energy. That was kinda scary.
  12. enzo

    The no-no ride,

    Way north of Keysville. I only rode with out my buddy the last mile or so. Can't ride all that way and not go to the top!
  13. enzo

    The no-no ride,

    It was a long way away from were I live, Probably 80% road.
  14. enzo

    I will bring it...I had forgot all about it lol.

    I will bring it...I had forgot all about it lol.
  15. enzo

    Yes! I will be camping out with the group. Will be there Friday.

    Yes! I will be camping out with the group. Will be there Friday.
  16. enzo

    The no-no ride,

    Well, Lets just say the Sierra's. The name of the post says it all.
  17. enzo

    The no-no ride,

    And he missed this view! About 12000' altitude.
  18. enzo

    The no-no ride,

    This section was sketchy. My buddy stopped here and pushed his bike backwards for 200'
  19. enzo

    The no-no ride,

    Well I went on an adventure ride on Sunday. Just got a new KTM 530 EXC with the all important license plate. Rode from my house and did about 300 miles. Rode some of the most intense single track I have ever been on. Once in a lifetime ride.
  20. enzo

    12.000 RPM, 250HP, SXR hull

    Motor comes with a transmission. Just do a conversion off the counter shaft sprocket. 6-speeds with a clutch! Brap!
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