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  1. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Thoughts ?

    I agree with the 91 too. Post some riding pics when you get it :)
  2. makejetskiinggreatagain

    What's your view look like today?

    This thread inspired me to grill some bell peppers last night. I decided to try something new and used smoked salmon flavored cream cheese. I loved it. My wife hated it
  3. makejetskiinggreatagain

    2016 SuperJets

    I don't know how I feel about a grown man who would sell his stand up so that his wife can have a couch... Lol just playin man. Congrats on the purchases!
  4. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Chp took my ski

    Wait so you're telling me the cop didn't start the encounter by unloading his clip into your face? Those nice black lives matter guys must have been lying to me this whole time!
  5. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    there should be a stamping on the engine that reads 61x if it's a 701. Can someone with more mechanical experience than me help this guy out. I'm still a newb when it comes to engine stuff on these things. I'm amazed I'm the only one chiming in. Usually this guy would get more advice than he...
  6. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    I would ask for the HIN number. If the last two digits are 94 I would ask why he says it's a 650 when they came stock with a 701.
  7. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    I think he's wrong but If he's sure it's a 650 then I would go for the blue one.
  8. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Saved a life today!

    Pics or it didn't happen ;)
  9. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    Maybe he doesn't know what year it really is. The last two digits on the HIN plate are the model year. Maybe he will send you a pic of the HIN. Just tell him you need to make sure it isn't stolen or something
  10. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    I'm just wondering if maybe he trashed his 701 and was a cheap a$$ so he threw a 650 in. Maybe I'm being retarded. Are the rest of you guys sure that's a 701 in there? @RMBC Freeride It looks like a 61x to me but I've been fooled before.
  11. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    Why does he say the 94 is a 650.
  12. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    I would probably go take the white one for a spin then.
  13. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    Are those cracks on the rocker of the hull or just the ding and cracks on the bond rail? If the cracks are on the hull I might be wary of them spreading. It would be a repair I would plan on doing if I decided to purchase it.
  14. makejetskiinggreatagain

    the trivial complaints thread

    Trimming some more fat in the friends department. With the friends like I have who needs enemies? It's been a crazy a$$ month. Why can't people just be nice and care about other human beings?
  15. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    For me that would depend on what the crack on the blue one looks like
  16. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    YouTube would be better help on that than me trying to explain.
  17. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    For your first ski just choose whichever one is going to be headache free. You will probably be able to sell either of those for what you pay next year when you decide to upgrade to a round nose ;)
  18. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    A test ride would be nice. Also check compression in each cylinder to make sure they are equal. If both of those things showed positive results I would consider the white one. If you were comparing equal quality motors, The 701 is far superior to the 650
  19. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    Like Rosie said, We are just concerned because if the outside looks bad then chances are he didn't take care of other maintenance to keep the internals nice.
  20. makejetskiinggreatagain

    Which one is better

    Maybe. Does he have a picture of the crack?
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