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  1. headshock

    Misc Superjet Parts for sale

    Quickstart and Battery Box just sold.
  2. headshock

    Misc Superjet Parts for sale

    More Pics
  3. headshock

    Misc Superjet Parts for sale

    62T Reed Cages - Need reeds - $30 Shipped OEM Steering Plate - $30 Shipped OEM Pole Spring - $35 Shipped Lord Mounts - 1- $20 shipped - 2 for $30 or 3 for $45 Shipped (NEW) OEM coupler - $30 Shipped OEM Noseguard - $50 Shipped OEM Head - $50 Shipped Waiver Raider Trim Ring - $25 Shipped...
  4. headshock

    RICKTER talk

    Does anyone have any experience with the RRP Rickter Intake Grates on an Edge. They sell Trimmed and Untrimmed models, which one fits best for the 18/19 Edge?
  5. headshock

    New SOLD

  6. headshock

    2019 Rickter Edge FS Build

    ThanksI read that on the Rickter Forum, was wondering if any changes were made to the Pump area to resolve that.
  7. headshock

    2019 Rickter Edge FS Build

    Collecting all my Nuts and Bolts
  8. headshock

    VForce 2s, Billet bracket, RRP chinpad etc.

    Do you know where you purchased the coupler to go from the TNT Chamber to Waterbox. I have the same setup nd need one.
  9. headshock

    2019 Rickter Edge FS Build

    Christmas in Feb, it's a good start
  10. headshock

    144 Props - 12/17 Thin FR and 13/17 Concord - Both Sold

    Prices include shipping
  11. headshock

    144 Props - 12/17 Thin FR and 13/17 Concord - Both Sold

    I have two props, both are in great shape. Im only looking to get rid of one of the two so first one to go wins. Skat-Trak 144 Swirl - 12-17 Thin Blade Freeride - SOLD Solas 144 Concord - 13/17 - SOLD Plus shipping and PP
  12. headshock

    Limited slip 3.3

    Great deal! Lucky
  13. headshock

    Water Injection Manifold

    Does anyone have one of these they want to part with? Playing around with ways to set up my water injection.
  14. headshock

    Found - 2 - Water injection fitting/ Spray Bar

    Thanks for response Guys - I found some fittings
  15. headshock

    Found - 2 - Water injection fitting/ Spray Bar

    Checking to see if anyone has these floating around. I'm looking for 2 - 1/8 inch NTP water injection fittings or Spray Bars.
  16. headshock

    2019 Rickter Edge FS Build

    Parts are pouring in but have a while to wait for the Hull. What are the Rickter Edge guys doing to protect these from Sinking. is this something I should be concerned about or do Rickters have enough foam to keep them afloat?
  17. headshock

    New pipes

    Got my V2 Pro as advertised, Great seller!
  18. headshock

    TNT pipes

    Interested in a TNT Performance Coned Kits. Is TnT still selling these? Does anyone have their contact info? I think Im just a town away from then so it would be nice to deal with them directly.
  19. headshock

    FOUND Cold Fusion Ebox Bracket

    Yes, I just ordered a 2019 Edge.
  20. headshock

    FOUND Cold Fusion Ebox Bracket

    Interested in one of these as well
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