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  1. IS0LD0UT

    Not another Chan, build.

    I am interested to see how that ebox location works with the tank and battery. I mounted mine to the front foothold.
  2. IS0LD0UT

    JetLift To Givaway Everything we offer.

    Holy poop. You guys are awesome. I hope the winner has a big trailer!!!
  3. IS0LD0UT

    Super Jet throttle lever causing runaway ski

    Jetmaniac has the for like $12. @JetManiac
  4. IS0LD0UT

    Stock cdi vs msd

    I switched from stock to msd and felt a pretty significant change.
  5. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Spinning Impeller or Cavitation

    ^ I may have to pitch it back down. Doh.
  6. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Spinning Impeller or Cavitation

    Turns out it was a fouled plug. What a rookie I am. :oops: The 12/17 does seem like an improvement from the 13/18. Now I need to try the stubby mag cone.
  7. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Spinning Impeller or Cavitation

    True. Wasn't sure how hard it was going to be to repitch. Pretty easy. 2 hookers is not a bad thing. :)
  8. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Spinning Impeller or Cavitation

    I just pitched it up to a 12/17 going to try it out tomorrow.
  9. IS0LD0UT

    Blaster pump install problem

    I'm not sure how you have a gap then. The wear ring should slip over the prop.
  10. IS0LD0UT

    Blaster pump install problem

    You took it apart wrong. You should have taken the 4 bolts to the top of the ski out and pulled the whole assembly. The easiest thing to do would be take the remaining 2 bolts to the top out and then assemble the pump as a whole unit with the 4 long bolts. Then put it back in.
  11. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Spinning Impeller or Cavitation

    Good idea. I was hoping someone would chime in, with. "yeah they feel about the same, your probably just under pitched."
  12. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Spinning Impeller or Cavitation

    I think I am going to try to repitch it to 12/17 and see how it goes. Wil changing to a shorter cone make it a difference when its slipping? Or is that just a really fine tune?
  13. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Spinning Impeller or Cavitation

    How do you tell the difference between a impeller that is pitched too low and a leak causing cavitation. I was running a 13/18 Hooker, Skat Mag combo with my 5mil. I was ok, I thought it was maybe overproped a bit. I ordered a hooker 11/17 and installed it, not my first time installing a...
  14. IS0LD0UT

    Looking for switch assembly

    Yup. Hit up jetmaniac
  15. IS0LD0UT

    Looking for switch assembly

    You can just buy the internal switch stuff and wires. Like $65.
  16. IS0LD0UT

    Looking for switch assembly

  17. IS0LD0UT

    Blowsion Pole spring issue

    The sj and fx1 polea are very similar early years and the same after 08. The blowsion spring has more spring than stock. Over time it will slump more.
  18. IS0LD0UT

    Looking for feedback on doing Vintage freestyle at Hydro-X events

    Do it! Love watching hood tricks.
  19. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle The "it sure looks good sitting on a stand" Backie Chan build!

    Are you going to be making ride plates or did you finally get one?
  20. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle The "it sure looks good sitting on a stand" Backie Chan build!

    Thanks. I had thought mine was sealed up complety it appears there is a small air gap there. Thanks for the pics.
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