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  1. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle The "it sure looks good sitting on a stand" Backie Chan build!

    I had requested that hood but came with the old one.
  2. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle The "it sure looks good sitting on a stand" Backie Chan build!

    Mine sits up like that toox but how do you get air between the hood and liner? Mine has glue all around did you drill some holes or was yours open in a spot. I water tested mine with my 838 it wasnt sucking the hood down and power seeemed on par with my xft. I will probably leave mine till I...
  3. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle The "it sure looks good sitting on a stand" Backie Chan build!

    Mine looks like its completely sealed. If you have a chance can you take a pic of yours?
  4. IS0LD0UT

    Which battery should I buy??

    Yes. The are smaller in all dimensions. You will have to add some padding to the sides and cross and knot the battery cables. I think you save close to 10 lbs in weight.
  5. IS0LD0UT

    flywheel remove??

    Standard threads. Left to loosen. Its the bolt and then friction with the crank. You will need a flywheel puller. I suggest the harbor freight one.
  6. IS0LD0UT

    Which battery should I buy??

    Ext 12s are nice. Use them on all my skis
  7. IS0LD0UT

    Glass in Studs for Ebox

    that should work nicely.
  8. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Double front flips

    Love me some hood tricks
  9. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Daniel Martin Double Backy

    Love that guy talking in the background too.
  10. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Daniel Martin Double Backy

    Super sick!
  11. IS0LD0UT

    super jet has no spark PLEASE HELP!!

    It appears that stator is a 61x. See how the brown wire is attached to the coil on the bottom. The 62t would go up the side to the top.
  12. IS0LD0UT

    super jet has no spark PLEASE HELP!!

    I would try a known good battery.
  13. IS0LD0UT

    Super Jet Flywheel puller

    Harbor freight
  14. IS0LD0UT

    super jet has no spark PLEASE HELP!!

    No it does not say. The diameters are different and the coils are different in solder locations. The difference between the two is small. You can tell the flywheels apart easy. 4 exposed magnets on the back = 61x. No exposed magnets 62t. Also the holes are different on the front. One is...
  15. IS0LD0UT

    Super Jet Dont know where to go from here, no spark HELP

    Hows your battery? Are you sure you have 61x elecs and a 61x flywheel?
  16. IS0LD0UT

    Super Jet Dont know where to go from here, no spark HELP

    Are u getting spark now?
  17. IS0LD0UT

    0° vs 7° standup bars

    I have had good luck with the 4 degree bars also blowsion/hotproducts.
  18. IS0LD0UT

    Custom/Hybrid need diy repitch

    DAG, I will take a set PM me.
  19. IS0LD0UT

    Custom/Hybrid Footholds-Yes, it's time for another thread! Padding, show off your trays, etc.#bestfootholdsthread

    I did have good results with cut diamond it wore out quick.
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