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  1. JC-SuperJet

    Why a Heavy Flywheel Yields More Top Speed

    Not sure what's murky about Torque in a Rotating Disc It's High School Physics... Maybe you'll accept the Laws of Physics from MIT and Volvo Engineers? "Another application of flywheels is to give the drive shaft a power output which is higher...
  2. JC-SuperJet

    How important is foam density?

    Foam Density matters IF you need to add Structural Strength to the Hull. Otherwise, the same Volume (say one cubic feet) of 2 lb Foam will displace the same amount of Water as 6 lb Foam. For every Cubic Feet of Water displaced, you gain around 62 lbs of Buoyancy. But the 8 lb Foam weighs a...
  3. JC-SuperJet

    Why a Heavy Flywheel Yields More Top Speed

    Many realize that switching to a Lightweight Flywheel will improve the PWC's Acceleration but not quite realize that a loss in Top Speed will also result. This is important for Buoy Course Racers. But how can this be, all things being equal except for the Flywheel Weight? :oops: Let's see...
  4. JC-SuperJet

    Piston wash help

    "Torque Specs: instead of 18 ft-lbs for Cylinder Head final torque, do 20-22 ft-lbs; instead of 23 ft-lbs for Girdle final torque, do 30-35 ft-lbs for Girdle Bolts."
  5. JC-SuperJet

    Piston wash help

    Front (right side) Piston has a Head O-Ring leak. Does Steam come out of the Pisser? And both Piston Tops look black which indicates a Lean condition. Or excessive Heat. What Ignition do you have? Are you running 93 Octane? Did you air-leak test the Engine before installing it? This test will...
  6. JC-SuperJet

    787 super jet

    So is that the Stock OEM Squarenose Yamaha Midshaft with a Seadoo Coupler? The Seadoo Coupler threads right in?
  7. JC-SuperJet

    WTB 750sx hull

    Beware of calling unknown numbers. Can possibly lead to huge phone bill. It can be a trap. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o_O
  8. JC-SuperJet

    Double hitch hauler. Worth a shot?

    Perfect Fit! o_O
  9. JC-SuperJet

    Help starting

    Good news is he didn't jump the Starter Solenoid Relay with a Paper Clip o_O
  10. JC-SuperJet

    Here we go… again… another Freak re-build

    Only if you want the Starter to run all the time :D Actually, doesn't matter as the Relay Switch (2 small Wires) is what makes the two Posts connect.
  11. JC-SuperJet

    Who had a bad day at Newport Beach?

    And why didn't the Dummy just beach the damn Ski instead of white-knuckling his way into a huge Rock Pier? Had plenty of time to run it up the Beach. Did he think the Rocks were going to cause less injury then the Sand on the Beach? Low IQ under normal circumstances and No IQ under Panic...
  12. JC-SuperJet

    SXR1500 freestyle build
  13. JC-SuperJet

    62t for sale $400 plus shipping/fees

    Clone Scammer above...
  14. JC-SuperJet

    Who had a bad day at Newport Beach?

    Can't teach Common Sense and Self-Preservation. Apparent epidemic of self-inflicted injuries and deaths due to Psychosis sweeping the Country. "Psychosis is a condition of the mind that results in difficulties determining what is real and what is not real." False Pride, Over Confidence and...
  15. JC-SuperJet

    ‘91 Superjet 6m6 to 62T/61x swap

    @MTRHEAD proved that the smaller Stock SN Exhaust does not have to be upsized, with his 60 mph SN and original Stock Exhaust...
  16. JC-SuperJet

    Yamaha SuperJet 650 CDI $60

    Have a Good Used Stock OEM 6M6 Yamaha CDI for $60 bucks shipped.
  17. JC-SuperJet


    First, absolutely need to start with an Engine that has good Compression and no Air Leaks. The Carbs also need to be in good working order with a recent rebuild. Check for worn Throttle Plates and Shafts. Replace as needed. Ensure the Throttle Plates are synchronized and the Throttle Cable has...
  18. JC-SuperJet

    Want to Buy 6m6/701 cdi

    Have a Good Used Stock OEM 6M6 Yamaha CDI for $60 bucks shipped.
  19. JC-SuperJet

    Soft Lean seize...tear down .....any insights from the experts most welcome.

    An Air Leakdown Test before the Engine tear-down would have ruled out Air Leaks... How old are the Crank Seals? Epoxy Patch in the Flywheel Area? Keep in mind that riding against the Current is going to put more load on the Engine and make it run hotter which in turn requires richer Carb...
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