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  1. JC-SuperJet

    Our 08 SJ is driving me nuts! More Electrical Issues

    The Zeeltronic CDI draws power at all times. It's supposed to be a minor draw but... Do you have and Electric Bilge Pump? Inspect the Switch and Pump.
  2. JC-SuperJet


    'Tis the Season...
  3. JC-SuperJet

    Pump Pressure

    Okay, assuming there is no Current and only the Ski is moving: Water (Fluid) Dynamic Pressure is based on Momentum Formula 1/2 Mass x V*2 or 1/2 x Density x Speed Squared with Water Density in Slugs per Cubic Feet given rounded-up as 2 Slugs/cu. Ft. A Slug is a Unit of Force based on Gravity...
  4. JC-SuperJet

    Pump Pressure

    Yes, there is a performance contradiction for Jetski Thrust optimization. A few Balls in the Air to keep track of... At low speed, we want a big Pump for slow incoming Water fed thru the Intake. But for high speeds, we want less Water/smaller Intake Duct and a smaller Exit Nozzle. Both can be...
  5. JC-SuperJet

    Pump Pressure

    Axial Flow (Jetski) pumps have large flow and low lift versus Centrifugal pumps have small flow and a high lift. Apples and Oranges. If someone would use their Ski to Pump Water at WOT into a known volume Container and timed the fill-up time, actual GPM readings could be obtained. No Jet Drive...
  6. JC-SuperJet

    Need some help diagnosing a weird SJ electrical problem

    So did the new Start/Stop Switch Harness fix the problem 100%? What is the end of this Story? Need to close this Thread with a proper resolution....
  7. JC-SuperJet

    Pump Pressure

    A very simple way to figure the Water Pressure at the Pump Exit Nozzle is to guesstimate the height in feet of the Jetski Pump "Fountain" and divide by 2.3 ft/psi. Xample: Fountain is about 23 ft high, then Exit Nozzle Pressure 'tis about 23ft/2.3ft/psi = 10 psi If the Fountain is about 30 ft...
  8. JC-SuperJet

    Pump Pressure

    For GPM, let's grab the Kalkalata again. to do a very rough ballpark guesstimation... Due to direct drive, when the Engine rotates 6000 rpm, the Pump also rotates 6000 rpm (it better! o_O). So need to find amount of Water processed in ONE Revolution and multiply that by rpms to find gpms. Also...
  9. JC-SuperJet

    Pump Pressure

    Had done the Calcs before on previous Thread - she gone. Almost all my Posts (1000+) got deleted accidentally ...:( So Pete and Repete... Example: Kawasaki 750 SX: Stock Thrust = 550 lbs and Pump Diameter = 140 mm (the Kaw 750 SX is similar to Pump Size and Engine Power as SJ) Pressure =...
  10. JC-SuperJet

    Yamaha Superjet 2007 porpoising

    These Wedge-type Rear Sponsons make the Rear End lift and push the Nose down. Will reduce porpoising some. So will Rear Hull Extensions and a Longer RIde Plate. And the most expensive fix is the Pump Setback Modification.
  11. JC-SuperJet

    Here we go… again… another Freak re-build

    Just a Stainless Thru-Hull Pad Eye
  12. JC-SuperJet

    Jet Ski Mentor

    Isn't that David Redinger?
  13. JC-SuperJet

    Is this chamber junk?

    Might contact Factory Pipe for a repair quote. A new Chamber costs about $300 bucks at Wax Racing
  14. JC-SuperJet

    Whiplash Protection

    To minimize the Whiplash effects of hard landings and high speed spills, the following Exercise Program is strongly recommended for a Wallop-proof Neck. Follow the Science. ;)
  15. JC-SuperJet

    Cylinder Base/Sleeve Skirt Protector Shoe for Yamaha-Style Two Cylinder Blocks

    Weeks Brothers is working on a one-size-fits-all Plastic Shipping/Storage Protector (Shoe) for Yamaha-based Two Cylinder Blocks, specifically to protect the Sleeve Skirts from chipping or breaking during shipping. This is a Must-Have for those high-dollar Cast Aluminum Nikasil Sleeves on the...
  16. JC-SuperJet

    Seadoo Forum

    Anybody know why this website is down?
  17. JC-SuperJet

    Tyron Motzouris Medical Bills Please verify authencity of the Gofindme Account
  18. JC-SuperJet

    Yamaha Wave Blaster 1 Driveshaft DIAMETER

    I have the Driveshaft and Spline Lengths, but what are the Diameters for: Wave Blaster 1 Driveshaft 62E-45511-00 Diameter= ? SN 650 SuperJet Driveshaft 6R7-45511-01-00 Diameter= ? Are they the same Diameter? Do Splines match? Google Searched everywhere and No Joy. PwcToday was a dud...
  19. JC-SuperJet

    Tools Cool To Have But Don't Need...

    If you have Money to burn: How about a Carburetor Service Stand :D Or a Jetski Stand with an integrated Engine Lift o_O
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