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  1. Marcgraham27

    D-roc's 96 Rn

    Droc your a zipdiskaholic... i like it
  2. Marcgraham27

    Other A HUGE Thanks From

    Thanks man, Stoked for the Arrival of my Hood!
  3. Marcgraham27

    Super Jet Cold Fusion Turnplate

    I just picked one up also, Not mounted yet but she looks Dam Fine.
  4. Marcgraham27

    Freestyle 62t vs 61x cyls.

    Im currently running ported 82mm 62t cylinders on my sj. i know that the 61x has better port timing for a low end hit. im trying to decide if its worth gettng 61x cylinders, boring them and porting them.. is there that much of a difference? Thanks!
  5. Marcgraham27

    Super Jet purple and black skis
  6. Marcgraham27

    Other Ford ranger: Two skis in bed or trailer?

    I have an s10 and the bedliner has spots for wood to click in over the wheel wells and it works great, you just gotta be careful not to put a jetski through the rear window. lol
  7. Marcgraham27

    Super Jet My yamaha ink!!!

    i like it!
  8. Marcgraham27

    Super Jet SJ bumping off of the rev limiter?

    I had the same problem, ended up my temp sensor wires got pinched and it was shorting out.
  9. Marcgraham27

    runs at idol, bogs with throttle

    Got it... ended up being the temp sensor grounding out.
  10. Marcgraham27

    runs at idol, bogs with throttle

    yes, it just happened suddenly, and yes its bogging out of water, the pump and crank all seem to turn smooth
  11. Marcgraham27

    runs at idol, bogs with throttle

    Hey guys, so im having some problems with my sj, it runs at idol but as soon as you hit the throttle it just bogs like crazy, it ran alright last time out but not great b/c im working on getting my carbs tuned in with my protec pipe. I was workin on it td and it backfired one time like crazy...
  12. Marcgraham27

    new head and pipe, now 1 cylinder lean and one rich.

    Im currently having the same problem with my protec, Some one told me to check the intake gastkets to make sure your not sucking air on one cyl.
  13. Marcgraham27

    61x ignition giong crazy!!! WTF?

    Check your flywheel keyway. It might have broke and slightly shifted.
  14. Marcgraham27

    Front Page of the Burlington post

    nice ski... prick lol
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