I bought an 04 dodge 4 door 4x4! A friend here got a blaster and wants to sell me his 701 for 800. I'm not sure what's all done on it but it's running pretty high compression. I'm kinda nervous about it tho. He has a pipe on it now. Would my 650 exhaust bolt up on it? It would take me a while...
What material did you use? I work at a graphic shop out here in kansas and weve been putting test cuts on ski's because were not sure if our vinyl will hold up well enough
I pull about 300 a week but i havent worked a full week since i started. I've been driving my moped around. 80 yah Champ. It's the :-):-):-):-)! My truck cant make road trips or anything of the sort. It's time for an upgrade.
The reg cab dodges start around 22k. That's a hell of alot better then 32k for a new full sized chevy. At a local dealership they tried to price me a colorado for 19,8. an 06 with 67k on it :/. no thanks!
Side note: Did 2 jump subs yesterday :) spent the whole first day i had my ski trying to sub that thing and couldnt get the angle. spent the next day just working on jumping that thing out of the water, then got 3 complete subs in a row :)
For the money id pay for a decently low miled truck, i could go spend a few extra throusand and get a regualr cab dodge with a hemi. with zero miles! then i would be able to haul my ski around because i hardly get out of the water and up the ramp in my 4 cyl, mazda.
haha my 3200$ truck i got 4 years ago is on its last limb. I think after she herd that she was getting replaced she threw a fit because the next time i drove her i got pulled over pulling my ski and it was dark out. Had my headlights on, and i couldnt get my dash lights to work. and little did...
Yeah I thought about that last night. I haven't decided if i'm going to turf myself or have it taken to a professional. I pieced everything in just to see how it would look and all it did was scare me about doing it myself.
Well i know it costs money. But a 380 truck payment is gonna slow my roll a little bit haha. Just looking for a cheaper solution then just buying a complete motor. I guess a pipe would prpbably be a good start.
I'm pleased with the power of my 650 sj but of course it wont be like that forever. New motors are the price of a small car now days :/ I'm buying a truck so it makes it virtually impossible for me to buy one. (im talking blowsion motors) Would it be better to just buy a 701 and bore it out...
Yeah I'm missing the front rubber piece and i need to buy a new front nose piece. I have not been able to even locate a single front rubber piece. and as for the front cover piece i was going to buy a new one becuse i know it will stay on but it just the decision between if i want the gas on...
I work at a vinyl shop in kansas. What material are you doing? Weve been on Orafol 4651 I've been putting test cuts on my friends ski to find out what will work or not.. (test for a full design for my ski :). )
Thats what im thinking it is. When I tear it down to get painted i get to find out what prop is on it. Because I have no idea what it is. But it is for sure new and shiney. Do you have any pictures of your 90 650?
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