How old is the primer?
If it's got an internal leak, pressure in the tank could have caused it to fill the motor.
I'd be installing a new primer before I replaced the needle and seat.
Sounds like the plug wires grounding out is going to be your issue.
You may also want to check out your fuel lines. I had a slight leak in my fuel supply line that allowed an air bubble to form in it. At idle / low load, the air bubble just sat in the line, when I'd go WOT, it'd get sucked into...
You should edit your first post with your contact information and the contact information for the Police department you reported the theft to. Help us help you!
Hey Stacy, glad you found your way over here!
Question about us Michigan guys though. There's more then a few that make the annual trip down to Daytona for the freeride event in January. Would we still be covered in that case? How about the random 60 degree day in December that's ride-able...
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