Added the shock pad and added some underpadding to the bars to protect my face a little.
Had to cut the chin pad up to clear the cables. Cant even tell!
Daniel Martin joined me today with his kdx701 and gave me a few pointers on doing tricks. Was a lot of fun.
I used all the stuff from my squarenose to my hurricane and the engine/drivetrain feels a lot more powerful.
Smaller engines require less maintenance and less fuel.
Stopping by the store to get the glue to mount it to the hood. The pole really isnt an option since the flatest parts have all the bolts to adjust everything.
The maniac engine is great in this hull. I didnt really try anything crazy since I dont have a shock pad and dont really want to hurt the hood or pole. Lol
The duck bills seemed to work fine, the exhaust pipe didnt get in the way, and I suck at removing the hood.
The chrome graphics look sweet...
Well I got it together and rode it today. Will take some practice on riding it good coming from a squarenose. Handles completely different.
The assembly took me a while since this is my first aftermarket hull build.
Just watch videos and listen to these guys on here.
I have been taking notes and practicing hitting my own set up wake. Granted I have a pos squarenose with a nice maniac engine but can still see myself getting higher and have backflopped a few attempts. Lol
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