The cap is tight. How can I seal the grommets? I wouldn't think they would leake enough to cause problems but who knows.
Some of the screws show a little surface rust but other than that I can't tell.
I'm chasing a gremlin in my blaster. It seems that once something gets wet it starts sputtering and cutting out only on the top end. I pulled the ebox on my blaster to change the coil and there was a good amount of water in it. What's confusing me is I cant seem to find how water would get in...
Pulled my ebox apart today and there was a good amount of water in it. Seal looked good and nothing was corroded so that's good. Is this common or is there something I should look for to prevent it?
I'm in the same boat you are except I bought mine a month ago! When you go to turn, put the foot thats on the inside of the turn as far up as possible and the other one as far back. Put plenty of weight on the back foot and it wont slide out. The sharper you turn and the more weight on the back...
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