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  1. swapmeet

    Surfriding LSFR Fall 2013 Pics

    This was my first Freeride, and due to a unfortunate cirumstance I was unable to take my skis. I did get to take my kids though and they had a blast. But you can't ride your children in the surf... Thankfully we have some very gracious people in the great state of Texas that let me take a...
  2. swapmeet

    2013 LSFR fall ride Oct 18-20th Surfside

    We're a few hours out.
  3. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Backi-Chan build

    Looks great!
  4. swapmeet

    pics from World Finals 2013

    Those are great shots from a small frame camera. I have a D5000 and I don't get anywhere near that crispness in my photos. I'm assuming your 50-300 is a Nikor/Nikon lens? Great shots for sure. Did you edit them much beyond your watermark?
  5. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Backi-Chan build

    Ill try to get you pics but ill prob forget before next week :(
  6. swapmeet

    2013 LSFR fall ride Oct 18-20th Surfside

    Bought a bunch of stuff today for my kids to play with at the beach. I think I'm as excited about them making sand castles and playing on the beach as I am about riding surf.
  7. swapmeet

    Other Jet ski related companies in Texas??

    Krenn Powersports 4201 East Loop 820 S Fort Worth, TX 76119 (682) 553-1447
  8. swapmeet

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    *update coming soon*
  9. swapmeet

    2013 LSFR fall ride Oct 18-20th Surfside

    Forecast shows a high of 76 Fri and 73 Sat, 50% chance of rain. Reservations are made, might as well go down and make the best of it.
  10. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Help me pick a hull

    Man you live in Cali, go ride both! I spent $600 to fly to Daytona to try out a Chan before I bought because it was a big investment for me as well. I couldn't drop that much coin on a ski without being sure. Everyone has has an opinion and preference. FWIW, the Chan is a pretty solid...
  11. swapmeet

    Freestyle world finals live feed

    Since its not cool to brag on your own achievements..... how about ^^^ this guy placing higher than most of the pros, all while on a 900cc boat. I think Daniel placed 10th last year on his "AM" boat against the other Pros. Freestyle skills: stronk Talk about progression, effort and talent...
  12. swapmeet

    Freestyle world finals live feed

    Here are the top 3 pro routines, to keep you from searching. Ant Burgess Lee Stone (needs more cowbell) Daniel Martin
  13. swapmeet

    Hull builder drama lol

    Jesus who cares if his turf and wires are ugly. Does it really matter? Sure, his attitude sucks but he's paying the price by not being able to compete here. I dunno, seems like petty BS to me. Maybe he took a leak in someones wetsuit and I didn't see the thread.
  14. swapmeet

    Super Jet BOB Adjust. VS Regular + Re-Foam Worth it ?

    There are 2-3 guys who I ride with that had a hard time getting the BOB holds to seal, also they said they constantly move. So you spend time putting them back where they should be instead of riding. It think its a cool idea, but this is feedback that I got while I was building my RN and...
  15. swapmeet

    Freestyle world finals live feed

    But thats precisely what the Xscreams, Bun Freestyles, and Blowsions of the world want. Joe Schmuck to see the pro level riders and then say, "I wanna...." and eventually blow 15-30k on a boat. When I got into this 4-5 years ago I used to watch videos of Lenzi FW flipping and lose my mind. But...
  16. swapmeet

    Freestyle world finals live feed

    ^^^ Pretty much what BK said... I think this was mentioned last year, but it would be cool to see a mixture of old and new. But as long as the judges score the aerials more favorably, thats what they competitors will do right? The things I kept hearing the announcers mention was number of...
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