Search results

  1. vjhardcore

    Turfing front of tray/removal of plastic?

    So I'm looking to Turf - my SJ and install some Revs(probably). I like the look of the front plastic end piece on the tray - the skis brand new. I have a primer already on the left and the on/off on right. I was thinking to install hood straps/limiting rope - so do I have to remove the...
  2. vjhardcore

    gas mixture

    Why such a wide variation? I thought 40:1 kinda the standard? And everyone on this site should be running the "good stuff". I ran Amsol 40:1 in my 650sx. The guy I bought my 07 Sj told me what he used but I forgot? I was told it was the best? Made the fuel green? I used his tank of what...
  3. vjhardcore

    So I was looking to buy a trailer...

    In Canada Up here we'd easily get upwards of $2000 for something like that - Name brand trailers alone get $1000-$2000 depending on quality and size/condition. I have two 1999 GP1200's for sale on a Northland two place trailer with a locking box and the wide tires. And everyone wants to buy...
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