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  1. NVJAY775

    Considering wakeskate shoes

    Vans high tops for me. I ran asics wrestling shoes for 3 years and liked them, but vans offer more padding and overall protection IMO. They're also more comfy on rocky, or rough shores. They hold up pretty good too. Been running vans for 2 seasons now. Fresh flatwater only. Unfortunately...
  2. NVJAY775

    Garage setups - Making the most of space - Skis, bikes, tool boxes , work bench

    Subscribing! Love the double decker rolling stands.
  3. NVJAY775

    Help with Flywheel Bolt

    Definitely get a flywheel lock from Cold-Fusion, like stefan said. Makes all steps way easier on you and your engine. Don't use the rope method if at all possible. No offense to any that use it, or recommend it. I've done it, and it works. But for the small amount spent on the CF flywheel lock...
  4. NVJAY775

    Surfriding Cuong's 2015 TigerCraft SV1

    Looks sweet dude! Congrats!
  5. NVJAY775

    Freestyle Open Helmet Experience Discussion

    Ouchie! Hopefully that doesn't happen again.
  6. NVJAY775

    Freestyle Open Helmet Experience Discussion

    There's some surf riders that have been running lacrosse helmets for years without any issues. All the ideas are descent. Just keep trying stuff out and then make a decision on what works best for you. My 661 helmet has stretched my neck out many times lol. With and without a visor. One...
  7. NVJAY775

    Freestyle Open Helmet Experience Discussion

    I'm going to try it out this Saturday. I'll post up with results.
  8. NVJAY775

    TPE MOTOR SETUP's - list your package

    I'd get a hold of TPE and ask to make sure. But if you run your stator without any advance, you should be fine with your enhancer. Maybe others can chime in on this too? But ultimately contact TPE for recommendations.
  9. NVJAY775

    Freestyle Lithium Ion batteries and sizes n stuff...

    Cost and all things considered... Probably going that route. We'll try and grab one this week and hopefully test it out within a week. Looking forward to getting it wet! Woo!
  10. NVJAY775

    Freestyle Lithium Ion batteries and sizes n stuff...

    Called PHP today late and left a message. I'll post up when I get some news. Price wise and warranty considered, the battery tender batteries are sounding pretty descent so far.
  11. NVJAY775

    Freestyle Lithium Ion batteries and sizes n stuff...

    I took a look at the Battery Tender line just now. Like the warranty, that's for sure. The 240cca is about the only one that will fit though. I have heard of others running 240cca batteries in their skis and have done ok with them. I'll definitely get 2, no matter what battery I decide to go...
  12. NVJAY775

    Freestyle Lithium Ion batteries and sizes n stuff...

    Thinking about this one. Grab 2, so I have a backup. Edit: I went back and looked at the AntiGravity batteries and they don't come with discharge and overcharge protection like these do. They both don't offer us a warranty, but at least the Earthx...
  13. NVJAY775

    Freestyle Lithium Ion batteries and sizes n stuff...

    I'm needing to replace my two AntiGravity batteries. I was one of the lucky ones and never had an issue with either one. Other than they are dead now after 2.5 seasons. I was going to pick up the WPS Featherweight, but the physical size is going to give me issues. The height and width are fine...
  14. NVJAY775

    Custom/Hybrid WPS featherweight lithium battery

    Subscribing and calling 4seasons tomorrow to ask about applications.
  15. NVJAY775

    what temp are you running your rrp pipe at???

    I got one of the first, and it looks like I need to update mine now lol...
  16. NVJAY775

    Maxx vs H20 torrent

    Sweet! Thanks much.
  17. NVJAY775

    Maxx vs H20 torrent

    Is the right side cooling line port up enough to stay out of the way of the steering cable? I had to relocate my fittings on my old 144 solas to keep the steering cable centered.
  18. NVJAY775

    Surfriding Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 3

    I need to move there. Thanks for sharing the good times!
  19. NVJAY775

    Other Klotz R50 hookup

    My builder / tuner tells me to run R50.
  20. NVJAY775

    Why wont my ski start without the primer? Fixed*

    On a side note. I'm not saying to do it. But IMO primers are one more thing to fail, or possibly cause an air leak. I keep mine simple and run without a primer. I use a little squirt of flammable brake cleaner for cold starts. Normally only needs a squirt for the first ride of the day. Zero...
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