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  1. XFT LOU

    Roll Call for Ozark Invasion- Saturday June 21, 2014

    Good job 58vw ragtop ! I've been sleeping . I'm trying to camp, still trying to put June together. !!
  2. XFT LOU

    2014 loto invasion?

    How does the traditional week end after Father's Day. Saturday June 21, 2014
  3. XFT LOU

    Wave Rave

    That's funny, " a hot day in Mi. "
  4. XFT LOU

    SXR 44mm carb

    Do SBN 44's have a different bolt pattern than stock Sxr carbs.?
  5. XFT LOU

    Wave Rave

    Just subscribing !
  6. XFT LOU

    Campsite list and who is where

    I have # P4 Old school xft.
  7. XFT LOU

    Lake Allatoona September 5,6,7th 2014 Southern Fried/Jesse "Wasteland" Memorial Ride

    Ok the pressure is overwhelming ! I have campsite p4.
  8. XFT LOU

    Other Jet ski commercial

    The show "Dangerous Waters" Was that for pro rider mag. ?
  9. XFT LOU

    Freestyle RIP WASTELAND - We lost a member today.

    The News program 60min did a story on treatment for our Vets., this evening.
  10. XFT LOU

    Freestyle RIP WASTELAND - We lost a member today.

    Sorry to here the bad news . We met at Riot Ride' 06
  11. XFT LOU

    Other Solas trim system with adjustable exit diameters. Updated pics

    # zero your inbox us full. Hello I have not measures the stock Solas reduction nozzle is it smaller than 84mm? Are you saying you sell a 84.5-85 mm ring for $45? And I have a TL dasa 850cc full speck 49. Scat 11-17. I have a Sxr to drive around so low end only on the XFT. Try 85mm ? Do you...
  12. XFT LOU

    Other Solas trim system with adjustable exit diameters. Updated pics

    Thanks I'm sure he can help me out . I believe the standard exit nozzle ring can be a little large.
  13. XFT LOU

    World Finals pics

    Thanks for posted them!
  14. XFT LOU

    Other Solas trim system with adjustable exit diameters. Updated pics

    I have been looking for Solas pump exit nozzel rings . Are they available in different sizes. On my Sj I have the entire Solas pump. XMetal cut me a new trim ring , do to that clearance problem .
  15. XFT LOU

    Wave Rave 2013

    Joe the St. Louis Crew thanks you and your staff. Let us know if we can help out next year! I subscribed to pro-ride mag., including a thank you note for sponsoring Wave rave. A little feed back may help .
  16. XFT LOU

    Wave Rave 2013

    Your first post ! Hope you can stay longer in '14.
  17. XFT LOU

    Wave Rave 2013

    The boat launch is free, since that access is very shallow . And the water is cooler than last year. Also the ATM at the store is out of service.
  18. XFT LOU

    Wave Rave 2013

    I have a double . I should have it empty thur afternoon.
  19. XFT LOU

    Wave Rave 2013

    Those are very nice words about Kevin. The St.Louis Crew will be displaying a Memorial . Also an photo album .
  20. XFT LOU

    Identifying Big Small Pin Kawasaki 750 Cylinders

    Are all the kaw 750 small large and 800 take the same base gasget
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