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  1. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Yami midshafts and AM bulkhead?

    I'm an idiot, I thought he posted a link to their midshaft. Thanks Rags!
  2. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Yami midshafts and AM bulkhead?

    So you're saying that flat bulkheads can't use stock SJ midshaft housings, correct?
  3. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Yami midshafts and AM bulkhead?

    This is for all AM builders. I see a lot of flat bulkheads on AM skis. The SJ bulkhead has a recess and the midshaft fits into that to make a good seal. So my question is how does the midshaft seal on a flat bulkhead AM ski? This is to all mfg's or owners who have done this.
  4. swapmeet

    Freestyle this thread will help EVERYONE Your setup motor / hull / prop of ANY KIND!!PROPS

    Last years setup: Heavy RN SJ JetManiac 781 TBM flywheel Dual 38's (setup by JM) Limited Chamber Factory Pipe Enhancer Stock pump Tried 9/15 and 10/16 Hooker Both are great for low end pull, I didn't notice a huge change from one to the other though.
  5. swapmeet

    Super Jet NewName RN (rocker, short, new tray,hood,handlepole)

    Hahaha! Yes! I love that you're making your own hood. Thats awesome. The pictures make it look like the contour on the right side doesn't match the left, but if I can see that i'm sure you do to, or its just a goofy photo. I'm not 100% following how you're gonna seal the hood, but it sounds...
  6. swapmeet

    Surfriding Renting a stand-up in Cozumel?

    Hahahaha... Yeah.. the guy I remember had 'for real' dreads and said it much slower. But thats funny...! I guess since Brian wants to throw me under the bus.... I'm an idiot. I completely forgot to check if my passport was up to snuff. As little as I use it, I was excited that I knew...
  7. swapmeet

    LSFR Spring 2013 shirts hoodies

    There was a guy who offered to do it in the other thread. Maybe PM him? @Tyler... That's pretty much exactly what was done last time lol.
  8. swapmeet

    Surfriding Renting a stand-up in Cozumel?

    Lol... Hasn't happens yet.
  9. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid white sasquatch Rok-R build

    Bracket hooptie is cool!
  10. swapmeet

    Surfriding Mod 08' pole for SN cable.

    Yeah, something like that. Just some stock I had laying around. GL!
  11. swapmeet

    Surfriding Mod 08' pole for SN cable.

    Nope, just make sure you have all the barrel nuts centered and the nozzle centered when you measure out the distance. That way you can adjust.
  12. swapmeet

    Surfriding Mod 08' pole for SN cable.

    I have the cold fusion plate, made this. That help?
  13. swapmeet

    Surfriding Mod 08' pole for SN cable.

    I got something for you... just a sec.
  14. swapmeet

    FX-1 144 pump conversion, wide bond rail, ping pong balls and more!

    It appears that you're uploading thumbnails, not the actual size pictures. That or you're using the worst digital camera in the history of time.
  15. swapmeet

    Freestyle Freestyle $$$ sport?

    All of that stuff is the equivilant of putting custom wheels on your car. Why put 3 piece wheels that cost 4k on a civic thats worth 3? So you can be that guy... .
  16. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Prosouth's BOB G2 Assembly

    I think you could get more throw out of the trim. But its prolly good enough. I don't, and won't even run trim. To me its just one more thing that needs to be adjusted/ tightened/ screwed with. When I did have it on my FX1, I drilled a hole in the bottom of the reduction nozzle, directly above...
  17. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Backie Chan thread of awesomeness...

    *Place holder for the gif of Jim Carry in Ace Ventura, crying in the shower. *
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