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  1. phillboy

    Quick video of some small surf we had early this month

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. phillboy

    Surfriding First ride of the 2014 year

    Sweet video
  3. phillboy

    Uk freeride overall hull

    And it rides the surf really well !!! I love this ski just need to save my penny's
  4. phillboy

    Surfriding 1st ride of my carbon overall ( French hull )

    and a nice big flop to. butt 10/10 for trying:cheer:
  5. phillboy

    Surfriding 1st ride of my carbon overall ( French hull )

    i got a lovelly video of you pancake your nice overhull ???? pie boy
  6. phillboy

    Ant Burgess practic

    yer its a 1000 xsream and kong hull he is all so superflipping that ski as well . got to love the british weather cloudy and dull
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