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  1. piratelife

    Freestyle Which performance mod guys?

    X's 46s
  2. piratelife

    Custom/Hybrid Backie Chan build

    Looks good. Can't wait for a video of the Chan.
  3. piratelife

    Custom/Hybrid WDK ROK-R 927 66E Based Build up!

    Looking good. This hull rides awesome
  4. piratelife

    Custom/Hybrid WDK ROK-R Build

    This hull rides really nice with long plate. Not nose high at all
  5. piratelife

    Opinions on best carb for freestyle

    Not directly.
  6. piratelife

    Opinions on best carb for freestyle

    Yeah harry doesn't know much. Didn't he barely start building 2 strokes a few years ago. Haha. Now let the group k bashing commence.
  7. piratelife

    Custom/Hybrid white sasquatch Rok-R build

    Looking really good, how long until you have it on the water? I'm hoping to have mine on the water by the end of the week.
  8. piratelife

    Freestyle Little combo on the KDX900 AM comp ski

    Lookin good! Congrats
  9. piratelife

    Super Jet New guy here- My two SN's

    Doesn't group k use a modded stock head for there 845?
  10. piratelife

    Custom/Hybrid white sasquatch Rok-R build

    What's the length on that pro tec steering nozzle? What made u use that one over oem raider style?
  11. piratelife

    Super Jet Rdrttoy's 2008 Super Jet Build

    Looks good! At least you don't have to worry about it breaking!
  12. piratelife

    Custom/Hybrid Another Backie Chan build!!

    Hull looks great. Stoked for ya, i have hardware and some couch mounts. send me a text
  13. piratelife

    Custom/Hybrid WDK ROK-R Build

    I talked to jeff (wdk) and he suggested the pole lengh at 27 inches from pivot to pivot. I hope that helps you out a bit. nice build!
  14. piratelife

    Custom/Hybrid white sasquatch Rok-R build

    Nice build. What length pole are you using?
  15. piratelife

    Freestyle Riding shoes?

    Hahahaha not this year I'm going to be wearing a helmet thx man
  16. piratelife

    Freestyle Super Sunday!

    Nice. Perfect timing. I have family in Ramona. I would like to make a trip down to el cap this summer.
  17. piratelife

    Freestyle Riding shoes?

    DC skate shoes ftw.
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