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  1. extreemthrottle

    Best Place to buy SBN 44 Jets and N/S ?

    what size do you need? i might have what your looking for cheap. pm me if your interested.
  2. extreemthrottle

    WB1 not running @ low speed

    you answered your own question, its a fuel issue for sure. check the low speed adjustment first. maybe didn't clean out the low speed jet as well as you thought, I'd go through the carb again and make sure. it doesn't take much to clog up the low speed jet. also water has a funny way of...
  3. extreemthrottle

    B pipe manifold thrashed

    i wouldn't waste my time. by the time you send it to them (pay for shipping both ways) and wait for them to decide if its a warranty issue, you could drop it to a local welding shop and have it repaired and back on the ski. probably for alot less too..
  4. extreemthrottle

    Did not expect this...

    looks like he's doin a barrel roll!! lol
  5. extreemthrottle

    2010 roll call

    can't wait!! i'll be there, hopefully the 750 x-2 will be done also.
  6. extreemthrottle


    too bad you weren't a little south of me, you could see godocgo....
  7. extreemthrottle


    i've been going to the same one for at least 25 years. i just had one doctor tell me i need surgery for what he called ulnar neurotics (not sure of spelling) anyway its to move the funny bone nerve to a different location as i have lost alot of strength in my ring and pinky finger in my right...
  8. extreemthrottle

    exhaust help

    got to be the factory performance pipe, limited chamber for the stock motor. tuneable, and makes great power!
  9. extreemthrottle

    Official pics/vids - daytona 2009

    thanks, i'm no longer a photobucket virgin. wanna try to put some music to it or maybe put it on disc to some music...
  10. extreemthrottle

    Official pics/vids - daytona 2009

    finally got the pics we took up on photobucket. heres the link hope it works! alot of sequence pics total of 574 pictures!! not edited yet so prolly some crap ones too.. enjoy!!
  11. extreemthrottle

    THIS Would Have Made The Freeride Interesting

    man, we see them all the time this time of the year. those sharks are more interested in getting laid more than anything else. we'll be out riding and see them come very close to people swimming, and the people don't even realize it. most sharks have no intrest in people. hell, i've almost...
  12. extreemthrottle

    superjet conversion hood

    i got a stock steering from an older style gp1200 i can give you some dimensions if needed, and even send one to you to try if you think it will work. this thing is pretty stout. we just put one in my buddies blaster. its a bit shorter than a blaster but, he seems to like it. i haven't ridden...
  13. extreemthrottle

    2010 roll call

    already booked my room!!
  14. extreemthrottle

    Custom/Hybrid Feedback on my new prototype

    big props man!! love it! looks like that is a labor of love. nice job.. would love to rip that around once or twice..good luck with it.
  15. extreemthrottle

    Cutting Rear Corners!!!

    hey spug, i looked around but never found the build thread for this. did you do one? btw, i think i met you in daytona this year, brad right? anyway, love that ski seems perfect for my kind of riding. would love to check it out sometime. i'm thinking about doing this to a square.. let me know...
  16. extreemthrottle

    superjet conversion hood

    hey, if you guys are still looking for a steering setup, i might be able to help. shoot me a pm and we'll talk..
  17. extreemthrottle

    Daytona Carnage

    btw my wife corrected me. it was'nt a minivan it was a pt loser!!! lol
  18. extreemthrottle

    Daytona Carnage

    speaking of carnage and alcohol abuse. who was the drunk dude with the red minivan sat. night around 2am dropping full beer bottles all over the parking lotof the makai?!! funny as hell to watch but not good for bare feet! we tried to talk to him but all he did was mumble something and drop...
  19. extreemthrottle

    Official pics/vids - daytona 2009

    i have about 750 pics from the weekend, i could post them up five at a time but it would take forever. anyone know how i can post these in one shot. btw i suck at computer stuff so its got to be simple. pm me as not to clogg up the thread..thanks
  20. extreemthrottle

    Thanks Nick

    NICK, you out did yourself this year!!! best event i ever went to!!! thanks for all the hard work!
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