No Square..No Round..FX-1
- Location
- South Jersey Shore
I woudnt let that dude within 100 ft of my boat!!!!!!!
the whole st. aug crew was sitting on the driftwood seawall laughing our asses off....
Killer shredding this weekend JD...I enjoyed watching you the most of ANYONE!
your no handed reentrys were freaking sick sick sickmfg:
That pump treatment is called "Extrudehone". Most sit down johnnies do that same technique. We, (the FX crew) saw lots of that last weekend.
I think that no hand re-entry maneuver was "borrowed" from someone that couldn't attend the freeride this year...dig..dig. JK.
And for the peeps that didn't catch some of that action...here you go. No photo shop or footholds here. Major props Chief!

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