that fr2 with the 701 is a surf boat no flatwater tricks with that ! if ride flat water by a flatwater ski or hybrid like footrocket or eme i would guess!
if you are used to mx as i am the weight should not be a issue im used to it i have one industries,troy lee and bell helmets!i here fly makes a nice helmet that works good in water
it will most likely be a race boat but would love to see a 4stroke engine to see were development takes them ! that is were it is all headed anyway!look how far the mx bikes have come in just a short time ! heavy porkers to lite and flickable with massive power!
keep your ski on the trailer back it into water and take flow control valve off and run ski then see when it pops off i had to cut my spring for it to work properly!every ski is different!at idle no water should come out as u rev up it should then trickle out
seams to me you are missing the ends for your cables ,their should be a adjuster on top that threads in the lever ,you can use ones from dirt bike clutch lever !and the bottom looks like you need one that fits on end of a steering cable ! just guessing!
mine did not either but when pump is under a load the pump creates pressure so if you have air leak anywear then you have cavitation ,i found out the hard way by trial and error! also check your clearance from prop to pump!
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