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  1. erik mx45

    New Trim Systems and Trim parts from JetManiac - Thrust, Xmetal, RRP

    i have 2014 sj if i use the x trim ,doesnt the 14 have the raider nozzle setup !?
  2. erik mx45

    Va Boating Certificate Needed for 35 and under

    only time being old comes in handy!
  3. erik mx45

    wavedaze 2015

    sweet i need to win this!!
  4. erik mx45

    2014 Krash Footrocket - First AM build

    looks sweet!
  5. erik mx45

    Too much oil in my mix

    dump it in your car wont hurt it and start over! i have done it a few times!
  6. erik mx45

    Super Jet Bogs on bottom and gets worse as you ride

    the tank will build up its own pressure it needs but the key is,it is supposed to maintane pressure if it leaks down then u need to find out y!
  7. erik mx45

    Super Jet Bogs on bottom and gets worse as you ride

    same thing happened to me when gas tank full ran great as it went down ran worse and worse ,then pressurized the tank and found out it was my gas cap of all things, took me some time to figure it out , also u do get same symptomes from a cdi going bad !
  8. erik mx45

    Superjet runs funky again

    u need the idle up a little to run in water that could be some of your probleme with carbs not cleaning out ,also it sound like u need a new kill switch set up they do go bad from time to time! thats y it wont start when plugged in it is grounding out! unsave to run without lanyard and kill...
  9. erik mx45

    jetworks ported cylinder

    yes sir freestyle! or freeride got it running today it feels real snappy goes to high rpm real quick!and not tuned yet cant waite to hit water!
  10. erik mx45

    jetworks ported cylinder

    my ported cylinder i got back did not have this from jw !
  11. erik mx45

    Anyone else tried this set up

    if u like bars with a bend i prefer straight for skiing but i was wondering if they would work i have like 3 sets of mx bars ! think u need to cut them down though !watch out about the levridge they produce might brake something else
  12. erik mx45

    jetworks ported cylinder

    parts should be here few days jw shipped out thursday!
  13. erik mx45

    brand spanking new super jet wont run!

    i got a 14 few months back it ripped from day one for stock ski almost as fast as my sx limited ski ,motor is on way back from jetworks i hope the porting makes it wake up even more!
  14. erik mx45

    Spark, the petite giant?

    me too would love to try in ocean !
  15. erik mx45

    Spark, the petite giant?

    my wife has one she loves it cant beat the price power and weight! she has the ho 2 seater thing jumps out of water nice!
  16. erik mx45

    jetworks ported cylinder

    ok should be here next week just talked to jw yesterday almost done !
  17. erik mx45

    brian at thrust

    i need a tool for my superjet ,and the price for the tool was to high for my budget ,i spoke with brian and he said he would loan me the shop one ,he shipped it out with my order and it worked perfect. thanks brian for your help great sevice :erik sending tool back today!
  18. erik mx45

    jetworks ported cylinder

    jetworks is doing mine as a right this i will ask him !see if comes on mine!
  19. erik mx45

    Other Kawasaki & Yamaha Flywheels 61X – 62T - 64X - 66E - 65U - 650 - 750 - 800

    i would like a flywheel for 2014 superjet or send mine to u for mod. prices please contact
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