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    Rattle at idle.

    Motor Mounts? Maybe you broke one or two?

    Happy Birthday Gump

    Is that all.... So I guess you won't be happy with a homemade card. :mischievous: Happy Birthday Gump! I hope you get most of your birthday wishes come true. :cheer::birthday:

    Your worst injury pic, post em up.

    Crab, I'm just going to call you Bone Cracker! Heel quick. I know it's frustating! Listen to Crab-e she sound like a wise women.:biggrin: PS. I had all my hardware removed from my ankle. Now my ankle feels almost as good as before I broke it. I had few loose screws causing pain...

    used 07 or used 08 SuperJet

    As for parts nothing has changed since 1996 on the Superjet. The only differences are: Handpole: 08' use the same pole as FX-1 Driveshaft: 08' shaft is long because of the set back pump. Rideplate: you can use other Roundnose Plates, you will just need to drill the center holes, or you can...

    used 07 or used 08 SuperJet

    hmm....... Tough call. Good Pricing on both. I guess it would depend on your riding style and primary riding location. BTW: I love my 08'

    SUPERJET for a SUPER deal

    You should feel bad, Thief! J/k Very nice find, with nice mods. Enjoy!:wink:

    Nitrous on a superjet

    The sale thread talking about got to be several pages long. Anyway it's gone into the abyss.

    Nitrous on a superjet

    The guy that was selling that ski was lvfreestyle. I bought a pump from him, seems like a good dude. I couldn't the post, but if I remember correctly it got locked for some reason.

    b piped 760 boston whaler - DONE!!!

    This a pretty cool little project. Keep posting. :cat37:
  10. YAMA CAT

    Waverunner wont go more than 5mph

    That's the first place I would check.
  11. YAMA CAT

    So my girl hit her first sandbar today...

    Well go thing the pole broke and not her. Ouch.
  12. YAMA CAT

    2009 superjet or 2009 kawi 800 sxr ????

    My SXR convinced me I need a Superjet. SXR carve nice, ride nice in heavy chop, but they just not as playful as a Superjet. SXR are bigger, heavier (50+ lbs), and thirster. AM Parts are more expensive too. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed my SXR, but It was a happy day when I traded it...
  13. YAMA CAT

    WORLD CHAMP PROVEN GASKETS made fresh daily for EVERY 2 stroke YAM-KAW-SEADOO.Also A/M parts gaskets

    Thanks Again! Fast Shipping and Quality Products as usual!:You_Rock_Emoticon:
  14. YAMA CAT

    Purchase or not to Purchase?

    I don't know I think the Kitty hair story was endearing:purr: Does it have to be from kittens or will mature cat fur do?
  15. YAMA CAT

    Purchase or not to Purchase?

    So Aaron, Is a it a Ported and bore 6m6 motor or a 701 61x motor?:burnout:
  16. YAMA CAT

    Purchase or not to Purchase?

    I would be sweet if it is actually 61x motor in it.
  17. YAMA CAT

    Purchase or not to Purchase?

    The Stocker Price is inline, but $2300 for a ported and bore 6m6 motor seams a little high. I seen some Roundnose in that price range lately. Just my 2 cents.
  18. YAMA CAT

    Custom/Hybrid Happy birthday shonuff

    Happy Belated B-day Big Daddy Shonuff. I hope you had a good one.:birthday:
  19. YAMA CAT


    Yeah! WildBill, The Gadsen Crew be pimping!
  20. YAMA CAT

    Custom/Hybrid Wire clusterf__k clean up

    check these guys out for all sorts of wire management goodies. I bought a bunch of heatshrink, braided and split sleeving. very nice stuff.
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