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    Probablly been posted before - Superjet vs 800sxr

    Best Quote of this Thread!:bigok: Even if it was taken out of context

    EJs facial lacerations

    Ouch.... I hope you heal well. Your lip looks pretty gnarly.

    Probablly been posted before - Superjet vs 800sxr

    50 lbs.... Superjet 88.2"L x 26.8"W x 26.0"H Weight: 291 lbs SXR 90.6"L x 28.7"W x 28.9"H Weight: 356 lbs and What BK said

    do i need to refoam??

    You will need to refoam eventually. I say do a quicky repair now and then then take your time refoam and reinforce the off season. just .02 cents

    any imput on this bilge pump Cheaper @ West Marine With some more info too. Dims 7-3/16"L x 2-15/16"W x 2-1/8"H

    Worx Dominator

    If your pump can't hook-up it will handle like chit. I'm not saying use a super aggressive scoop grate, but use something.

    Worx Dominator

    Worx Dominator or Jet Dynamics Long (DD) would probably work well for you. What grate are you running?

    need help, superjet cuts out

    What Mark is trying to stay is that your Jetting maybe off being 2.5 turns out. Carb Tuning 101 / Info From WATCON

    WORLD CHAMP PROVEN GASKETS made fresh daily for EVERY 2 stroke YAM-KAW-SEADOO.Also A/M parts gaskets

    Arrived yesterday. Quality Product as usual. Thank You Again! :You_Rock_Emoticon:
  10. YAMA CAT

    need help, superjet cuts out

    You might want to elaborate on your setup it will help with the diagnosis Carbs: Jetting: Pipe: Compression: Stock electrics, Enhancer : Etc..
  11. YAMA CAT

    12 year old daughter's birthday Blaster

    You are a cool Dad! SJ intake grates will fit a Blaster. The Ride Plates are different.
  12. YAMA CAT

    08 SJ - some Carbon and RRP

    Btw: Nice job on the footholds x2 on what Shifty said
  13. YAMA CAT

    08 SJ - some Carbon and RRP

    Merry Christmas! I vote for the 35cc Domes too, that should be 180-185 psi still pump gas. Stock your 08' should be around 170 psi @ least that what mine was. 38cc would about the same as stock.
  14. YAMA CAT

    My wife ROCKS!

    Good Job on the attempt. Sorry for the eardrum ouch..:toothache: Odd Duck, You are just all purpose cool chick too!
  15. YAMA CAT

    what's the hole for?

    Yes, folks glass them over, to help keep their foam dry. Those cheesy sticker they put over the holes are worthless
  16. YAMA CAT

    Type 9 problems

    Instruction for the Type 9 I was buying my coupler material from Napa but they slowing jacked up the price over the years. #337 Buna-N O-ring can be found cheap @ Mcmaster or Grainger
  17. YAMA CAT

    Poll: White or Black

    The white looks pimp!
  18. YAMA CAT

    Type 9 problems

    It's more likely an alignment issue. If you are going through couplers. If you are not using all three lord mounts,it will put extra wear on the coupler. Buy a stick of coupler material and cut your own. 3-1/2diameter X 2-3/16” Take care in aligning your pipe to the manifold. You...
  19. YAMA CAT

    Couch on the loose!

    That's what you get for being the hot chick at the marina.
  20. YAMA CAT

    Couch on the loose!

    Be nice he's your nieghbor:flowers1: They couldn't get the plaster to set, it was too wet.
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