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    Good deal with SXIPro

    Speedy and Cheap not necessarily qualities I usually look for in a man but it works for you.:You_Rock_Emoticon: Thanks again for the fast shipping and the low prices! :purr:

    Other Please help identifying parts Yam/Kaw I ordered a few things last year, nice products.

    Who has B pipes in stock right now?

    Factory Pipe had several Limited and Mod Pipes in stock when I called two weeks ago. They were out of waterboxes though.

    What is the best High Quality Starter and Bendix???

    Another vote OEM! Even a good condition used OEM Starter and Bendix are better than the AM ones.

    Internal or external fuel fill..

    Well that depends on the pipe you are running. With Dry Pipes with exception of the Speedwerx you have to remove the Tank and the Battery Tray to remove the chamber. You have to remove the Dry Pipe Chamber so can remove the cylinder head or to replace a worn blown dry pipe coupler. I...

    Internal or external fuel fill..

    I never used one but it seems to have several benifits. 1. Don't have to worry about the water leaking down the external spout. 2. Easier to remove and install gas tank if you don't have to reconnect to external spout. 3. Looks cool.

    Get Well Soon Crab!

    Your Scar looks good! Does your doc have a plan to remover the hardware later?

    One trick pony! Maybe

    One trick pony! Maybe


    :Banane01::Banane01::Banane01::Banane01::Banane01::Banane01::Banane01: Great seller! Fast Shipper too!
  10. YAMA CAT

    Hey Freak, You're not suppost to use AC Stands as ramps!

    Hey Freak, You're not suppost to use AC Stands as ramps!
  11. YAMA CAT

    Worst/Best MOD youve done

    Thank you, Quickmick. The credit goes to Steeldogg and Tricky1. My role was purely parts procurement. I love the finishing touches you have done to the square. :purr: That ski could not have found a better home. Best Mod - Get my husband to shorten my stock pole.
  12. YAMA CAT

    Look what came in the mail today.

    :bling: That's beautiful!
  13. YAMA CAT

    08 sj

    hmm..... I've really enjoyed my 08' however I'm not sure I would ditch your 04' for one. Really defends on your riding preferences. They are very different skis. Even my Tubbied 05' handled differently from it. Any ski can always use a little more power.
  14. YAMA CAT

    Need advice on buying a ski??

    Wow..... Welcome to the X! If you are happy with your Yamahas then I would suggest you get a Yamaha Superjet. If you are serious about racing consider a Kawasaki SXR or 08' Model Superjet. Custom Hulls are for PImps Only!
  15. YAMA CAT

    Starbars handlepole

    Lots of nice little goodies for Watercraft...:purr: Tell us what you think of the pole when you get it installed.
  16. YAMA CAT

    Any guesses on what The Ripper's announcement will be?

    Which Actor would play Harrison?:thinking: :pokey:
  17. YAMA CAT

    Your worst injury pic, post em up.

    You're a Sexy Fellow! Ouch:bigeyes:
  18. YAMA CAT

    Other how can we help support the X

    Virtual Strip Poker, We pay money for certain member to put clothes back on:scared:
  19. YAMA CAT

    Your worst injury pic, post em up.

    Hey Crabby say no to the fiberglass cast if you can. I don't care what you wrap it in, how careful you are it will get wet. Also if they wrap it and don't give you a little room for swelling. It will feel like it's on fire with no relief.
  20. YAMA CAT

    Your worst injury pic, post em up.

    The funny thing is my tibia with the two long screws in them hurt more that the fibula with the plate. Just think of this way you will have plenty of time to work on your pimp walk:bling:
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