This your 08' you are talking about. We did a compression test on my 08' and it seem to have 10-15 more PSI than previous years. I'm not sure if the gaskets are a different thickness or the stock head is milled but the compression is higher. This maybe the reason your 35cc domes are giving...
This took you all day to come up with this??? No Wonder it will be 09' before your beautifil NEW O7' will ever hit the water. Don't worry about me, I'm not near as needy as you. It's too bad you fools missed a nice ride today! I see you had better things to do:cool2:
Ouch! Did get any stitches for the eye? Just tell you sweetie that you are getting a grill to cover the chipped teeth and working on your pimp walk. That will really impress the parents
Nah.... We had a productive weekend Demopolis. The slave work is all done.:bow28: I have a few little items left on my list but the big stuff is all done. She's alive
Does anyone know what size the long pump bolts are on a Superjet OEM PN:90119-06M70-00? Once again I forgot grab one to take to the fastener store. Thanks
It wouldn't too hard to make it adjustable. It's definitly odd that they put a trim ring on it and then mounted a bracket fixing the position. It would have been real easy for them to the bracket with a long slot for adjustment.
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