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  1. N

    New to jet skiing

    Thanks for the help guys... Soooo, I basically want a ski that is speedy so I can compete in races and events. But, I also want one where I can have some fun on it in the ocean. I wont do competetive freestyling but if I get crazy I wanna be able to do some stunts for fun. So I can stick with a...
  2. N

    What do you imagine you would spend to make a SJ Freeride ready?

    Why cant you just take a stock SJ? I wouldn't, that would be silly. But, what makes it a "freeride ready" ski? Surley a ski with an upgraded engine can do the same stunts a stock one can. But im newb, so enlighten me :)
  3. N

    New to jet skiing

    I live in Brentwood. (Antioch, Pittsburg area). I go to places like the Big Break Marina and Vierras. It depends. Orwood is one of my favorite places to get to the delta.
  4. N

    New to jet skiing

    I dont know yet. Probably both. I need to practice though :P I'll probably just ride around on the delta and get some practice jumping off of other people's wakes. But when I get experienced I would like to do some races, and go to the beach just for fun.
  5. N

    why freeride is better than MX

    You read my freaking mind...:Banane09:
  6. N

    New to jet skiing

    :newbie: Hey! I have never owned a jet ski and have only ridden on a stand up when I was little on someone elses ski. I am selling my dirtbikes because I got kind of tired from getting hurt all the time. Theres things I would try on a ski that I would never try on a dirtbike. So, Im looking to...
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