If you are going ot turf your ski, you might as well put in foot holds.
If you want a front foot hold, PM Pancake Pete on these boards.
Make sure you search plenty of topics on applying turf and get a buddy to help. You do it once and you will be a pro.
First make sure you start teh day with a fresh battery. Take a voltage meter and measure the voltage without the engine running and with it running. Then after ridign all day when the ski starts acting up, measure teh voltages again.
If they are way different as in the battery being low...
Saki, they make those carpet unloading thinsg you are talking about. My grandpa has one and it works ok.
But I like the comment about keeping the bed liner looking nice. I think I will start selling bed liner protectors!
I was talking about making something just like Super...
That is what I am saying YZ. I was all gun ho to buy a 225 to 250k house but then I said nah, get a 75-125k house, live there min of two years, put a little work into it, and flip it. No need to over extend myself now. I don't want to be house poor. But then again, I am not wanting to live...
On a Kawie 650, you can just remove the flywheel and turn the stator plate a little bit to advance the ignition. Watch doing this if you are running high compression though. If not you can have detonation.
You can have your stock head milled by somewhere like Group K to get a little more...
Quick steer plate helps some too.
if it has the old tiny Keihn 28mm carb with the remote fuel pump, ditch tthat carb for a Kehin 38/40/42 or Mikuni 44/46 SBN ASAP!
I have a bed liner and i used to load my ski into the back of my ranger all the time. Here is what I always wanted to do:
Buy a piece of 3/4" plywood. Cut places out on the sides so it will clear the wheel wells. Then fasten some 2x4's stood up on their edges. Instant truck bed hauler...
I like the green. I own two Kawies myself and a nice clean SXR engine will eventually go in one of mine. No dentention for me Q! You asked, I answered.
Yep I found them cheapest at 64 each from Ron Ayers.
The ones for a 440/550/750/800 are onlky like 35 WTF Kawasaki!
They should give them away for free!
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