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  1. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    She laughed at me. I better find a new old lady...
  2. dbrutherford

    Someone please help me understand!!!

    I used to be like that too Demon. But the only news stand that was worth a damn in my area shut down. So now it is basically take what you get at the Wal*Mart. They are carrying fewer and fewer MX/ATV magazines anymore. Rusty, I am glad you got the subscription delivery issues...
  3. dbrutherford

    Best relacement throttle cable for RN?

    Use either a 650 SX or a 750 SX throttle cable. Do not get an SXi/SXi pro/SXR cable. I am with Wedo if you have extra slack, use a throttle wheel/drum. And to think all you guys are constantly putting down kawasakis. I think Gil hit the nail on the head the day he told me...
  4. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    I played... I didn't win... I guess I better put my old lady out on the streets at night to halp with the positive cash flow.
  5. dbrutherford

    Someone please help me understand!!!

    I would still continue my subscription if it wasn't for the fact I have trouble twice now with not getting my issues. Contacting you guys and asking for the back issues didn't help the first tiem either. I specifically remember this episode because of the hype around the Sea Doo 3D and I...
  6. dbrutherford

    who made this TL system

    Here is what I was talking about:
  7. dbrutherford

    who made this TL system

    Yeah I have seen some screen shots of their catalogue posted by Johhny X2 on PWCT of their stuff.
  8. dbrutherford

    single intake manifold questions

    That blue spacer is for a Yamaha engine. What I meant was both of the manifolds Slutty has were are originally designed for Kawasaki 650's. Both the Riva and the Hot Products adapters convert the Yamaha case bolt pattern over to the Kawie 650 pattern. You don't have to run that...
  9. dbrutherford

    single intake manifold questions

    No you can see the adapter laying in the last pic of the sticker in the lower right corner. Hot Products sells the two piece versions like Nick has or Riva sells a one piece version with their conversion manifold. They all just use a Kawasaki 650 manifold after that.
  10. dbrutherford

    single intake manifold questions

    Either will work I guess. I have never seen a no name K650 manifold like that before. All the brands I can think of had a name on them somewhere: Jet Sports, Ocean Pro, West Coast, PJS, BCW. Doesn't the no name one have the bracket in place for use on an SJ? I would just use it. Then...
  11. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    I would buy a billet engine in a heart beat... if I win the lottery tonight.
  12. dbrutherford

    This is how to transport your SJ to Teamscream

    All depends on what type of window design it is. They do test them by shooting a dead chicken at them though! They aren't frozen like most people assume from watching Myth Busters. Really PPG have been making windows for years and does a good job at it. But like any manufacturing plant...
  13. dbrutherford

    This is how to transport your SJ to Teamscream

    I only have 8 jumps myself. I was too poor to finsih my training while in college and now I just live too far away from the dz to make it worth my while. I would love to get my license and fly some wingsuits though! I used ot work in the PPG Industries factory where the main cockpit windows...
  14. dbrutherford

    exhaust for 650 or 750?

    Looks like a first gen Coffman 650 SX/X2 pipe. The chamber looks steel instead of the later cast aluminum. Head pipe looks like a second gen Coffman head pipe. The first gen head pipes were steel as well as the chamber. If you use a 650 manifold, you could use that pipe on a 750 if you...
  15. dbrutherford

    This is how to transport your SJ to Teamscream

    Sky diving is one of those things I wish I could do more of... Congrats on getting the ski all set up!
  16. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    Now we need to see pics of the said slut.
  17. dbrutherford

    300SX hare scramble freestyle

    i is next to o on the keyboard, simple mistake. So how many years did you have that engine and it not be in a ski? Just seeing how much longer I can prolong my engine swap.
  18. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    Video was cool. They chisled my teeth out, nothing but pieces left when they were done. And the nurse/assistant was some big fat ugly chick, no tig bitties worth looking at.
  19. dbrutherford

    300SX hare scramble freestyle

    Yeah I have heard that story before. And I do have a clue... on how to use Wondows Movie Maker. Tell your boss to cut you some slack. You seem annoyed.
  20. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    I like the wisdom tooth removal video better. Bastards wouldn't let me keep my teeth either. Those doctors must hawk them for crack or something...
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