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  1. dbrutherford

    300SX hare scramble freestyle

    With leftover parts that were almost free! Nice vid, try Windows Movie Maker to edit out the part you don't want. I could have bought a super clean 300 SX when I first moved back to WV for 200 bucks but I listened ot a woman and didn't buy it. She did have a point though, it would be in...
  2. dbrutherford

    SXR Wetpipe in X2

    Yeah I was always told it wouldn't fit. What if you removed the bottom exit and put it on the end? Or put it up top? Just a thought. Do you ahve any other chambers you can set that SXR wet pipe chamber next to to get an idea of the size? Keep us posted, looks good! PS I never...
  3. dbrutherford

    Yamaha Lightweight X-2 Version 2.0 - ***TOPDECK MOLD POPPED!!

    I like the builder of the year comment. We will have to make you some crappy present like a set of stock steering mounted to a plaque. Might throw on one of those water seperators we always take out. Tom, you forgot the bulkhead... that makes 4 more times...
  4. dbrutherford

    finaly pick up a new x2 for the collection

    yeah I imagine. That Caustic kawasaki or something like that was trying to sell some demo boats on PWCT. I think someone on over there on PWCT bought one. If I could get one for $3.2k to $5k in my possesion, all taxes/fees/shipping paid, I would get one. But I just can't see paying $10k for...
  5. dbrutherford

    finaly pick up a new x2 for the collection

    I hate you! Congrats, I would love to be able to buy one stateside for the price they should be, not the 10k+ imported price.
  6. dbrutherford

    Would you pay $1/month to support the site and have ZERO ads?

    I donated 20 bucks once and never got a sticker or the thank you email. That kind of put me off a little. But if it came down to it, I would pony up 10 a year.
  7. dbrutherford

    Better than yours 550 freestyle build.

    Suz enquire if you want them. He buys and resells anyway, you want it for personal use. You know what they say... all is fair in love and war. You just might not know you love those skis yet...
  8. dbrutherford

    conversion plate for a 650sx

    PM Crab here on the forum. You will need: -Conversion bed plate -Yamaha Engine Threads/Kawasaki Rubber Dampner style coupler (UMI/ADA ect...) or - A Tigershark coupler to put on the Kawasaki drive shaft (use the oem Yamaha engine coupler & dampner) - Factory pipe exhaust manifold -...
  9. dbrutherford

    What is the dumbest, most ridiculous comment you've gotten about a standup?

    The classic line is "They don't make those anymore do they?" I heard it from an A Hole water cop as he wrote me a ticket. Also comment how my ski must have been old. My grandpa calls it a "Sea Ski" Of course they have been called Waverunners and Sea Doos before as well in my pressance...
  10. dbrutherford

    ATP dealer???

    He posts on here from time to time. Might just go to hime directly. Ask him nicely if he will mark the package as a gift so you don't get nailed with customs fees? just a thought...
  11. dbrutherford

    X2-Canadian Style

    Doug, you are truely hard core! Were you using a dry suit for that ride?
  12. dbrutherford

    facebook group

    I guess I better join, everyone else did... My mom always said, "If all your friends jumped off the bridge would you?" Of course many years later I discovered BASE Jumping and have decided yes I would jump off said bridge. Who's got a parachute they can pack for me?
  13. dbrutherford

    Engine worth

    300 to 325 shipped max. I would assume shipping to be around 75. Just depends on what all you include. here is my guess: Head Pistons Cylinder Cases Crank Coupler Coupler Cover Bedplate Flywheel Flywheel Cover Stator Bendix Starter Exhaust Manifold Reed Cages Intake Manifold...
  14. dbrutherford

    Sxr big bore

    That's the thing I hate. I know these parts exist but not being to readily be able to get them sucks. Even if I could afford them... Fennec had some billet cylinders on their website. Do the cylinders you are talking about have powervalves? I don't think I saw any in the pics on their...
  15. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid X2 #2 Mach 6 build

    What Terry not done with a build? Oh man maybe I should give him a hard time. Or call his boss and see if his boss will cut him some slack so he can get it done.
  16. dbrutherford

    Ever hear of this impeller?

    I have seen them from time to time on eBay. I even think I have a catalogue or magizine with an ad for them in it. The ones I always saw were for sit downs. I guess it is the Accel company that makes car parts. I think Mr. Gasket owns the company too.
  17. dbrutherford

    300/440/550 The PJS Motor saga

    Hey Sam who? Marton?
  18. dbrutherford

    Happy Birthday Lee!!!

    Yeah man that kid.. now grown up.. can rip!
  19. dbrutherford

    Thanks To XSCREAM Team!!!

    Looks good Brendan!
  20. dbrutherford

    Facial Stitches

    Keep it smothered in neosporin at all times so it doesn't scar up too bad.
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