Search results

  1. dbrutherford

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro Bad @$$ Craig's List 650 SX!

    That's what I am saying. I just don't know what people are thinking. I got bored so I was browsing Craig's list using the Crazed List website. There is all kinds of crappy deals out there. When I sell something, i ask what is fair. If it is nicer and newer, I ask more. It if isn't up to...
  2. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid You Know you want this Kawasaki TS! Darin, you are close, this would be a good build with your Super Jet SN to RN conversion project!
  3. dbrutherford

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro Bad @$$ Craig's List 650 SX! Let me hurry to the bank, I just can't pass this deal up!
  4. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

    Yeah but no wire wheel on the grinder? What is the world coming to?
  5. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

    Ok something is up here... First I see a work bench and shelves. Then I don't see any Sun Drop or Michalobe? I just showed Tracy and she said Steve has a work bench now? Wax's cover loosk pimp.
  6. dbrutherford

    Asking price too much???

    Yeah there is a guy on PWCT asking way too much for a set of skis. I would buy his sxi if he would seperate and come down on the price. Some people just want too much. Best to just walk away...
  7. dbrutherford

    Pre-Free ride carnage

    Glad you had your belt on. That saved you from getting a face full of windshield. I saw a big box truck rear end a car about 4 months ago. That box truck was behind me before switching lanes because I was getting off the interstate. If not, It could have been me that got rear ended in my...
  8. dbrutherford

    New alternative to foam????

    The sales guy said it did. I worked in a different business so I never ever saw that stuff other than the display.
  9. dbrutherford

    Pre-Free ride carnage

    At least your gas is cheaper than ours here in WV. It ranges between 1.85 and 1.95 for a gallon of 87. Try and take it easy, rear end jobs are never pretty. I would make them total your car too, to heck with getting it fixed. Did you see it coming or was it a blind side? Did you have...
  10. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

    Where have you been hiding John? That was a nice quick response. Now if Wedo woudl chime in we could ruin someone else's build thread!
  11. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

    Bust on Steve all you want Gil. And when you get done, give Scorn and Wedoo he!! too. If it my ski and Iwill put it together when I feel like it. Paybacks are a b!tch.
  12. dbrutherford

    Kawasaki 650 X2 Brochures

    It wasn't as gay when those two dudes were riding that three seater with that pasty white girl in the bikini. I would have still done her though...
  13. dbrutherford

    New alternative to foam????

    I used to work for a company that made glass for residential/commercial windows. They also had a chemical business. Well anway, they sold some stuff like that coating that they put on windows that was hydrophobic. The windows were supposed to never get dirty because nothing would stick to it.
  14. dbrutherford

    Trim mod. On X2

    I always thought the tab was for the self circling function. My old Kawie 650 SX had it as well and they do not have trim on them from the factory.
  15. dbrutherford

    Blaster Cleanup/Gut

    What did the PVC pipe fitting lord mount come unbolted again?
  16. dbrutherford

    Kawasaki 650 X2 Brochures

    Whenever I ride a girl on an X2, I prefer it to be in the garage or woods on the trailer, oh wait we were talking about on the water... I typicall sit the girl in the front and have her hold onto the cross bar. That way I can try and steady the ski from the rear. When all set I nail the...
  17. dbrutherford

    300/440/550 Blaster 1 or X2

    Have you ridden the one you just bought much lately? I was just curious if you changed your opinion any. X2's are cool and so are Blasters. It is hard to say which is better for me.
  18. dbrutherford

    x2 chopped and screwed...

    Yep. I kick myself every time I think about it. But that ski needed it. He should run some DR Engineering Inc sponsor stickers on it lol
  19. dbrutherford

    x2 chopped and screwed...

    Cool. Have him bore it and the head pipe both to 47 or 48mm for a little more flow. I have just been searching for a Coffman 650 manifold forever. I had one once but sold it to someone else. Sucks...
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