Hey, I was looking on Craigslist and came along an Yamaha VXR 650 in my area. It has an AM exhaust and head that I’ve never seen. Would any one know what it is? I thought maybe a Pro-Tec pipe but I have no idea on the head.
Ok got some fiberglass done on the tray. Not finished yet. I first started with cutting out the pieces of FG matting and cut a bunch of small pieces to shove in the cut out void. When I started to mix up the resin I did some with microfibers and did some without. I brushed some of the microfiber...
Hey there, I use to be a dealer for vp race fuels. The give very good descriptions of their fuels. VP 110 is for compression ratios that are 12:1 and below where C12 is for 15:1 and below. Very small difference in octanes. Another good fuel is the VPR. It’s around 100 octane but has some oxygen...
Oh wow!!! I’ve seen that happen on a new husaberg 300 2 stroke a couple years ago. They were using a steel frame at the time. The AA rider was ripping through the woods a collided with a tree. Luckily he came out of the woods with only a couple of bumps and bruises. Hope you were ok with that break
Having a late lunch with wifey and our pup at Motts Creek in nj. 2 people were here on their fxho’s. Barely breaking 70 degrees with some wind. Definitely a wet suit kinda day.
Did some sanding today n decided to take a closer look at these nasty carbs. They are worse than I thought. Thought maybe they might surprise me in a good way when I opened them up. WRONG. Nope total poop. Tried taking apart as much as I could for a laugh. The kidney piece inside is stuck in...
On the “08+” do you need to change the cable still with just doing a shorter turn plate? Or just using the OVP system. I just replaced my cable on my build with the stock “08+”. Was thinking about doing an OVP but I think I might just do the turn plate.
There is a internal part of the exhaust housing. That small little bolt holds the 2 together so it doesn’t rattle apart. They get rotted out with corrosion. If it doesn’t seal with the bolt use some metal epoxy putty from the auto store. Take a little bit out of the tube, need it up and squish...
Hand pole bracket is done. Got it sand blasted and grinded out the other side that was pitting away. After that I painted it with black appliance epoxy paint. Ordered the fiberglass stuff from US Composits. Should be here early next week. Sanding down the top hull, hood and hand pole this week...
So the advice that Roseand gave me was actually correct. I had a heck of a time getting the pump in. Mainly bc of switching to the metal pump shoe and having a new pump ring seal thingy. So today it was pouring again like the last few days have and I decided to pull the engine back out (10 mins)...
Science project day. Did the 2 part foam today. Took the Sheetrock knife and got it somewhat flat. Next I’ll sand it down to where the piece I cut out can lay back in the tray flat. When I poured in the mixture I prepped a trash bag to lay over to push the foam in different directions
Received some goodies today. Got rest of the exhaust bolted on. Had to do some grinding to get the new blowsion battery tray in flat. Installed the new steering cable. Things are coming together day by day. Next I’m think I’m going to do the 2 part foam. Update later when that is all done.
I’m in the middle of doing mine. I cut the tray with a rotozip. An air saw is probably the best. Used a Sheetrock knife to start the cut up process. Also a paddle bit works awesome. Just kept the shop vac close to keep it clear. Ended up pulling everything n sealing back up with 5200. Used...
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