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  1. smoofers

    Engine Bolt, Grease or Threadlock?

    I used to use red & tacky until I tried Amsoil Synthetic Water Resistant Grease (the blue stuff). Best grease I've ever used.
  2. smoofers

    Super Jet 701 not running. Pls help

    Spark, fuel and compression. Make sure you have all 3 and it should fire. You’ve got spark now. Verify fuel and compression
  3. smoofers

    Super Jet 701 not running. Pls help

    Reread your post and clarify... maybe after that we can continue to help diagnose...
  4. smoofers

    Other What did you fab up today? A thread for the home fabricators!

    i couldn't tell you honestly, i haven't tried them.
  5. smoofers

    Other What did you fab up today? A thread for the home fabricators!

    I've never even been to a Duluth store, I've only ordered online. Their sizing is pretty accurate. Anything with "flex" in the title will blow your mind... pants and shorts aren't supposed to be this comfortable.
  6. smoofers

    Other What did you fab up today? A thread for the home fabricators!

    You guys need to try out Duluth. I used to wear Carhart and I'll never go back after trying out Duluth clothing.
  7. smoofers

    Pop off pressure 701 b pipe

    What flame arrestors? I am assuming aftermarket with a pop off that low....
  8. smoofers

    Is it okay to cut/splice the wires coming from the stator?

    If deutsch connectors are a superjet, weatherpaks are a 300sx.
  9. smoofers

    Is it okay to cut/splice the wires coming from the stator?

    I'll chime in as well to promote deutsch connectors. I also fill them with dielectric grease and have never had any issues with them.
  10. smoofers

    Super Jet what is likely source of leak?

    There's quite a few spots it could be leaking from. The first spots I would check are the ride plate and pump bolt inserts. It'd be a pain to remove but you could always pull those bolts and put some silicone in the holes and reinstall the bolts.
  11. smoofers

    Pop off pressure 701 b pipe

    I think stock pop off is around 50psi, mine runs great at 42. I'd try and get it a bit higher than 30. If the next higher rate spring gets you too high, then go back to the spring you were using and tweek the arm to give a few more psi. Just make sure the spot that the diaphragm contacts sits...
  12. smoofers

    Pop off pressure 701 b pipe

    Are you running a stock airbox or aftermarket flame arrestors? I'm running a similar setup with a stock RN style airbox and have my pop off at ~42psi. If you have a/m FA's you'll want significantly lower pop off.
  13. smoofers

    Having a low speed stumble on 13 SJ, how to clean carbs? Causing any damage?

    You can build a tester easily. The pic below shows my setup for testing pop off and pressure testing cases. All you need is a pressure gauge with a decent enough resolution like the 0-60 psi one below (both gauges I found at tractor supply). You’ll also need a tee fitting, a schraeder valve...
  14. smoofers

    Having a low speed stumble on 13 SJ, how to clean carbs? Causing any damage?

    To both of the above posters: Sounds like a fuel issue. I'd suggest both of you find somebody local to walk you through everything that needs to be checked. On a stock SJ it's pretty straight forward to get them to run properly. Verify jetting is correct. Properly rebuild your carbs, this...
  15. smoofers

    What's your view look like today?

    Sadly, nothing on the SW or W side that I'm aware of. Everything is North, NE, SE and S. If you wanted to go NW a bit, there's Sommerville Lake and Lake Bryan. Both are solid spots even if a bit of a drive. Half the time it's easier than fighting your way down to Clear Lake.
  16. smoofers

    What's your view look like today?

    We used to ride that spot a lot! In the middle of summer the water would be so hot you didn't want to fall off, since it was the opposite of refreshing.
  17. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

  18. smoofers

    Super Jet Broken motor mount fix?

    Agr Agreed with recommending new mounts. However, there was a member on here that glued a mount back together with 5200 and it held up for an insanely long amount of time.
  19. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    Tray floor was secured in place with thickened epoxy and screws. The screws were removed after the epoxy cured. Holds in place and still not happy with the fit, nor the fact that the top lip of the holds took up room. The blue tape is where I planned to trim off excess hold material and...
  20. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    Foothold finished and mocked into place: I ended up getting some 2.375" OD (same as stock RN) aluminum tube for the exhaust. I think it was less than $40 for a three foot length. I used my home made bead former on the engine bay side. Below is the stock SN tube next to the RN diameter tube...
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