Just to add to everything else, there's nothing wrong with '90-'93 650 squares. A 701 swaps in just as easily. Only real difference between the 650 squares and the 701 square is the midshaft and midshaft bearing carrier.
I personally don't. Haven't really seen a need to unless you just insist on starting and running your ski in super shallow water. I know the guys with laydown pipes will usually run filters on the water going to the pipes to keep the small spray orifices from clogging up. Just know, for...
Hers my current "dust collection" setup for when it's raining and I can't work directly outside. I still use the shop vac on my table saw, chop saw, router table, sander, etc. Even when I'm outside. I will say the new sander I got is awesome. Built in dust collection port (not "self...
Sounds like my same hobbyist experience. I wear a North 7700 half mask with HEPA cartridges when making any dust. I also use my Rigid shop vac with an Onieda Dust Deputy cyclone separator. I've gotten sick of having a dusty garage, especially with a two year old running around and another on...
I didn't mean your driveline was misaligned. Two strokes vibrate by nature. With flexy motor mounts and an idling big bore two stroke, you're going to see some vibration regardless of alignment.
To me that just looks like the overlapped elastomer is starting to separate from the housing due to vibration. I wouldn't be concerned with what you are seeing. If it continues to grow and delaminate from the actual bore of the housing, that's when I would start to worry.
At this point I'm pretty sure the paint on the pipe is damaged. Mine was the same way. They're permanent at this point until you either blast and recoat or polish and clear.
You might find a decent condition used pump on this site and see what it would cost to have it shipped from the US to Greece. You might still save money over trying to source one locally.
Totally agree. Split the wear ring to remove it. To my knowledge the OEM stainless wear rings (what you have) are not repairable and must be replaced. The prop is not worth refurbishing, given there are so many better stainless options.
The plug wires fit snugly into a bore in the coil, which has a spike at the base of the bore that stabs the copper core of the plug wire. The plug wires are epoxied into that bore. To replace, you just need to work the plug wire around to break or loosen the epoxy until you can get the old...
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