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  1. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    At this point I hadn't cut the exhaust tube holes yet, since I need the tray bottom to reference where I needed my exhaust tube. I also started modifying the right side hold to remove the kicked up section that would normally be needed to clear the exhaust tube. This is the hold as it comes...
  2. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    I used a mold I made for a separate project (which I might detail later in another thread) to make my tray bottom. Three layers of 1708. Initial trim for fitment.
  3. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    Bonus helper shot, she was "cleaning". It kept her busy, I didn't complain. All tubes (minus exhaust) removed, cleaned, reinstalled and sealed up with 5200.
  4. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    At this point. I figured I might as well reinforce the gunwales as well. Template made from free* government cardboard: The template works I filled the bond line with epoxy thickened with micro balloons. Then, I laid the glass down with the bond line epoxy still tacky. Started to glass...
  5. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    The next weekend I rough sanded down all of the repairs. I must have been too covered in glass dust to remember to take photos...
  6. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    I started attacking all of the various dings and cracks in the hull. I don't plan to make the bottom perfect, there were just so many messed up spots that needed to be addressed. I also ended up cutting off the rear lip of the tray. In addition, I planned to glass up the old exhaust tube...
  7. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    When I cut out the foam for the holds, it was all bone dry. I then started to try and remove the exhaust tube And realized I would need to defoam more. The Hurricane right side hold has a kicked up section to clear the exhaust tube, which I didn't want, so I started planning to move the...
  8. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    I always wanted a wide tray and adjustable foot holds. The cheapest pre-made option I found was the Hurricane holds (on discount back in 2018ish for like $299). I bought them and stashed them away for when I would have time to add them and some tubbies to the hull. If I had to do it all over...
  9. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    While I was removing turf glue, I found that the old paint I had used - Duplicolor Paint Shop (from AutoZone) dissolved and came right off with Acetone. It was a pain and I went through a LOT of paper towels and Acetone, but it was still better than sanding! I used paint stripper on some of...
  10. smoofers

    Smoofers' '90 SN Revamp

    I bought my square back in December of 2008. It was a bit of a basket case but had a running 650. I ended up tearing it down, reinforcing the engine bay, painting the ski and adding a shortened RN pole. Also added a Protec Pipe and random aftermarket stainless impeller. The build was...
  11. smoofers

    RN SJ Exhaust Tube Quick Question

    Perfect, thank you!. I mocked mine up and found I needed a minimum of like 4.5". This is great info to let me know I'm in the ball park!
  12. smoofers

    You're the Jerk.

    Spray or roll and tip?
  13. smoofers

    RN SJ Exhaust Tube Quick Question

    Thanks BK, would like somebody to measure if possible.
  14. smoofers

    RN SJ Exhaust Tube Quick Question

    Hey all, I'm installing a RN diameter exhaust tube in my SN. I need to know approximately how far the exhaust tube sticks out from the firewall in the engine bay. Thanks.
  15. smoofers

    Supertune Chuck

    There's still some good knowledgeable guys on this forum, this thread is a good example. The place you should NEVER take advice from is the facebook jet ski groups (unless it's somebody reputable). There's so many idiots on FB that have NO IDEA what they are talking about. I stopped...
  16. smoofers

    Wifi Extenders

    Only the first puck is connected to the line. Everything else is wireless.
  17. smoofers

    Wifi Extenders

    You need to look into a MESH router system. Multiple access points that communicate with each other and spread your network out as far as you need it. You can start with a basic 2 or 3 satellite system and add as many as you need. I using the Linksys VELOP system and it is amazing and super...
  18. smoofers

    Other Virus Nonsense

    Yeah BJ was one of our big clients. I was employed with TechnipFMC
  19. smoofers

    Other Virus Nonsense

    Thanks man. Oil and the business is in a free fall at the moment. There are still crews fracking, but if this keeps up they won't be for long.
  20. smoofers

    Other Virus Nonsense

    Well i just got laid off today after 7.5 years. Lead product engineer for the company's frac pump product line. The oil crash didn't help, the social shut down just finished it off. I'm ready for this sh.. to be over with. Got a baby due in 3 weeks. Good timing.
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