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  1. smoofers

    Yamaha superjet 701cc upgread

    Get an Impros Hooker 9/15 and a B-Pipe and the added power will definitely impress you over stock.
  2. smoofers

    Surfriding HBD now go ski/flip

    @thrillhill I love your hat!
  3. smoofers

    Laying Fiberglass Dry

    To add to my earlier post, I don't use the tacky resin trick that often. Most times I'll just wet the entire surface I'm glassing with resin and immediately lay down the first layer of cloth. Even freshly mixed resin does a pretty good job of holding glass in place to finish wetting it out...
  4. smoofers

    Laying Fiberglass Dry

    The only time I pre-wet my cloth is if it's something super thick like 1708 with CSM and I'm laying epoxy. In those instances, pre-wetting the glass makes me spend way less time trying to get the cloth properly wetted out. Most thin cloths like 8oz twill are so delicate that if you pre-wet...
  5. smoofers

    Can i put oil in flywheel case to lube bendix?

    Pretty sure he is not being serious.
  6. smoofers

    Square Nose Waterbox, Exhaust Hoses, Exhaust Tube, & Rear Bumper

    Bump. Make offers. Want these parts gone.
  7. smoofers

    Other How Long is Long Enough to Wait for a Refund?

    5 months is a long time to not refund $850. I would not be as calm or patient as you have been over that amount of money. $20, sure I can understand. Almost $1k? File the claim now. You've given him adequate time and notification.
  8. smoofers

    Can i put oil in flywheel case to lube bendix?

    I wouldn't but that's just my opinion. If the bendix is in good shape and has a few dabs of grease, it shouldn't need anymore lube than that. As long as your flywheel cover and starter don't let any water or moisture in, the bendix will never need more lube than what's already on it.
  9. smoofers

    What's your view look like today?

    Pig from my earlier post. Ham deboned. Gonna brine and smoke it. Rather excited.
  10. smoofers

    What's your view look like today?

    View from last night! I’m the fat guy on the left. Gonna be good eats.
  11. smoofers

    It's Winter - What do you collect?

    That's definitely part of the plan. My daughter got a tiny electric quad for Christmas, but she's terrified of it. I need a neighbor's kid to come show her how to ride it and then she'll be all over it. Hopefully by this time next year I'll be running 12 or 24 volts in it :)
  12. smoofers

    It's Winter - What do you collect?

    Since I've had a kid and have been working a lot and now have another kid on the way... I've been collecting inches on my waistline. No time to ride the ski.
  13. smoofers

    Impeller or Enhancer? What to upgrade

    I too haven't had any bad luck with enhancers. I was troubleshooting an intermittent issue with a similar motor setup as yours (b-pipe, ADA head, hooker 9/15) and swapped my enhancer for a stock 62T CDI. The low to mid range difference was night and day. The enhancer was definitely noticeable...
  14. smoofers

    What's your view look like today?

    Conceal, don’t feel.
  15. smoofers

    What's your view look like today?

    Fiber glassing the bulkhead exhaust hole closed. Keeping my daughter entertained (guess the movie). Great day.
  16. smoofers

    Smoofers' Super Chicken Build (Mostly Complete)

    Lol. No, it was just running like a scalded dog and I was having too much fun. Traversed half of the lake that day.
  17. smoofers

    B1 flat deck

    So did you ever end up turfing it?
  18. smoofers

    Smoofers' Super Chicken Build (Mostly Complete)

    Was talking about the chicken today and realized I never updated after adding the enhancer and head. I clocked it at 48mph. Pretty sure I can get 50 with a bit more tinkering, just haven’t had the time.
  19. smoofers

    Square Nose Waterbox, Exhaust Hoses, Exhaust Tube, & Rear Bumper

    SN Waterbox, painted black, no leaks SOLD SN Long Exhaust Hose, SOLD SN Through Hull Exhaust Tube (stainless) $65 shipped SN 701 Limited B pipe to waterbox $20 shipped SN Rear Bumper $65 shipped Parts all came out of my running ski. Prices are OBO and shipped to lower 48
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