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  1. smoofers

    Good Quality Ski Covers

    Another vote for Covercraft, top notch construction and quality.
  2. smoofers

    Midshaft heating up?

    The seals on the midshaft generate a decent amount of heat when the shaft is turning (typical of rotating shaft lip seals). It's only means of cooling are from when it is in the water. It's not entirely abnormal. If it gets REALLY hot, even with the ski in the water, then you definitely have...
  3. smoofers

    701 runaway on first start up?

    In addition to the above comments, double check that your butterfly isn't being held open by the throttle cable adjustment being too tight. The idle stop screw should be controlling where your butterfly stops, not the throttle cable.
  4. smoofers

    Are tank breathers really needed?

    Because of the ideal gas law. As the vapor cools it reduces in volume (thus, reducing the pressure inside the can). Take your imploded cans and violently shake them, you should see them start to pop back out.
  5. smoofers

    Are tank breathers really needed?

    This post is spot on. All of it.
  6. smoofers

    My "Better than Brand New" Square Nose Build

    That is freaking gorgeous. Excellent work!
  7. smoofers

    Super Jet Starter wire smoking

    If the starter was still turning fast enough to crank your ski it's probably good. You can always bench test with jumper cables and your ski battery.
  8. smoofers

    Super Jet Starter wire smoking

    Sounds like your cables are fit for the garbage. Replace the power and ground cables.
  9. smoofers

    Super Jet Project Dance-floor

    " it has the stainless steel reeds and I already lost a motor due to ss reeds. Am I overreacting or should I get some aftermarket reeds? " I think you answered your own question....
  10. smoofers

    My "Better than Brand New" Square Nose Build

    Looking good, just went through the whole thread. Whatever happened with the Blowsion internal fill?
  11. smoofers

    701 e box cut wires

    Deutsch connectors are far superior. But you need the crimp tool...
  12. smoofers

    93 blaster hitting rev limiter

    My superjet was doing the same thing a long time ago. I checked and replaced everything. Ended up being a bad coil.
  13. smoofers

    Custom/Hybrid Melmack's very unique 300sx build

    Holy *** Tim AND Chris! I miss you guys.
  14. smoofers

    Custom Homes

    I think @Nate_D has proven he has the potential to accomplish anything he puts his mind into. It all boils down to a time/value proposal to himself.
  15. smoofers

    Reinforcing a pump tunnel? needed and why?

    This. The big HP sitdown guys are doing 4 stroke swaps into GPR hulls. Like @MTRHEAD said, once you get above 75+ mph, the pump tunnels can crack under the load.
  16. smoofers

    Super Jet Project Dance-floor

    Looks great! Can't wait to see the finished project. What's with the "turfing in a well ventilated area" business... you haven't lived until you turfed in a small enclosed room due to extreme heat or cold outside o_O
  17. smoofers

    Wear a helmet

    For what it's worth, I have a Snell/DOT approved MX helmet I use for racing skis. I wear it for rec riding too and have never found it to fill up or be excessively heavy or cumbersome.
  18. smoofers

    Threads From over 15 years ago

    Us old X'rs appreciate it!
  19. smoofers

    Threads From over 15 years ago

    Old X members FTW. Back when the threads where legit cut and glass builds. Now days I feel like it's just a classified section for flatwater boat parts.
  20. smoofers

    A Different Kind of Build Thread

    I don't know you or Steven but we have lots of mutual friends that have had nothing but good things to say about y'all. Look at the bright side of this whole situation 1 - you will hopefully correct an anatomical issue and improve your quality of life, nothing good comes without some suffering...
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