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  1. smoofers

    90 SJ Build

    Looking good!
  2. smoofers

    B1X build

    DUDE!!!! I was worried you were getting out of skis after seeing you sell off everything. Definitely SUBSCRIBED!!!
  3. smoofers

    Reinforcing a Square Nose

    If I recall correctly I ground out some of the ribs but not all. Post #27 shows a partial pic of that area. I know its a giant pain to get a grinder in there and that limited how much I took off. I'm pretty sure I filled some of the weird spots in that area with thickened epoxy so I could...
  4. smoofers

    Project Boat Anchor, Superjet

    Use this, works better than acetone.
  5. smoofers

    Project Boat Anchor, Superjet

    That is typical of polyester resin on SMC. It peels off like that after a while.
  6. smoofers

    Harbor Freignt Tool thread

    I have slowed on buying HF tools ever since their prices started increasing a few years ago. A good bit of the HF stuff that used to be a good deal can now be had at Lowes or Home Depot for a similar price. That being said, I'm still using a HF 90 grinder, and portable band saw. The band saw...
  7. smoofers

    Who Rebuilds engines or sells rebuilt engines

    Contact Dale's Jetsports ( Not the cheapest but he knows his stuff and you'll be very happy with his quality.
  8. smoofers

    The Suppressor

    I'm pretty partial to DeadAir but I have a Silencerco (SWR) can as well.
  9. smoofers

    Bob footholds

    Must be expensive
  10. smoofers

    who has kewl tow rigs

    This is my new tow rig. So new that I don’t have any pics of it towing anything
  11. smoofers

    3.3M Mini Jet Boat Build

    Congrats on the baby!!!! Thanks for telling us - We just had our first baby in March, so I know not to expect much update-wise for a while, lol.
  12. smoofers

    New to me 97 RN SJ - What's been done to it?

    Great post. Spot on on all points. I also second the quicksteer mod, the greatest free mod you can do to improve steering response.
  13. smoofers

    New to me 97 RN SJ - What's been done to it?

    Nothing special you need to know. You essentially have 62t cases with an extra pulse fitting.
  14. smoofers

    New to me 97 RN SJ - What's been done to it?

    The crank cases on that motor are not original to that ski. Somebody swapped in 760 cases that have the dual pulse line fittings. The pulse line is what transmits positive and negative pressure to run the fuel pump on your carb. Stock 38mm carbs only need one pulse line, so the second one is...
  15. smoofers

    3.3M Mini Jet Boat Build

    This is ridiculously cool AF!!! Excellent work. Can't wait to see more updates!
  16. smoofers

    43 pop off

    I agree, sounds very high for a F/A with choke removed. If it were mine I'd drop 10 psi and see what happens.
  17. smoofers

    4x4 Sportsmobile Conversion Van for sale in Manchester Vermont

    Same argument could be made against guys spending $20k+ on aftermarket hull/motor combos. Niche market. Some people want what they want.
  18. smoofers

    Wiring up Blowsion bilge switch, only 3 wires?

    Yeah, it’ll work the same, I actually have mine wired that way (switching ground). Used solder and heat shrink and my switch and pumps still work like new after 10 years. Edit: FYI a diode is basically a one way valve for current, if you look at it that way the diagram should make more sense...
  19. smoofers

    Soaking an SBN in chem dip

    No, they don't. Pretty sure the seals are plastic, not elastomeric.
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