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    Parallel Cooling Header Pipe Screw settings NYNJA Pipe

    I finally got everything installed. Parallel cooling with both cylinders tapped on the FP manifold is so much more tubing than a standard FP single cooling line setup. :D I started with installing the header pipe with only the lower screw 1/4 out. Thanks to Jr. for the bore/hone and new...
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    Barbie Car Blaster

    Wow Man thats impressive! So much sanding! Did the M67 remove the 1500 grit sanding marks ok or was is a lot of work? I have never used it before. Hopefully you have a 3in DA as I bet with all the curves it would want to stall. :( Cant wait to see it outside in the sun!
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    Fuel Range for the 4 Stroke SJ

    Interesting findings! I was wondering if a 4 stoke SJ could get me further on an adventure.
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    Parallel Cooling Header Pipe Screw settings NYNJA Pipe

    Can anyone tell me what would be a good starting point for the 3 header pipe screws when running a Parallel setup? I ask as on the blaster it looks like I have to remove everything to get to the bottom adjustment. Current water temps here are 57 degrees, in August we barely hit 71, this is a rec...
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    Triton Lite capacity?

    looks good, nice modification! I guess you just have to back the trailer in the water a bit for the middle ski. When you are hauling the blaster how do you secure the nose?
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    New X2 Questions

    clean build. bet it rips with the 750 and FP pipe.
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    Portable lithium battery charger

    Sweet. Sounds like a nice easy solution.. especially if you already have a power tool battery.
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    Barbie Car Blaster

    What metal pump shoe and intake grate did you go with?
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    Barbie Car Blaster

    Wow you make quick work! Looking good so far. :D
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    Spark plugs and Fuel filters

    looks like the plugs were popular! They only have one in stock :D
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    Custom Folding jet ski tote!!!!!!!

    You got lucky finding black. Black in smooth is hard to find around me, all I can find is textured black from the 3 plastic stores we have. :D
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    Custom Folding jet ski tote!!!!!!!

    Really cool tote! I like the snap strings in the middle. HDPE works rather well for bunks doesn't it! I routered the sides and it made for a nice finish.
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    3 place ski trailer

    If you put the B1 forward on the front would you do bunks down the middle all the way to the back of the ski?
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    Alight thats what I thought. Riding lawnmower batteries :D
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    Thanks WFO Speedracer for the tip on low priced battery options. Im in the market for a replacement battery for a sit down im going to be selling. Its crazy how many sales adds I see that say runs great but needs a new battery. Why dont you want to sell the UB12180's to your customers, is it...
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    $20 Shipped Aluminum Gas Cap

    ill be curious to see how easy they are to unscrew..
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    $20 Shipped Aluminum Gas Cap

    Jet Lift has their gas caps on sale for $20 shipped. Not a bad deal! Only black is left.
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    Pulse fitting fell out?

    Its also a good idea to put some Loctite green retaining compound on it if its still a press fit.
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    Sport Spec Y760 CDI

    Reading the rulebook you really have to remember "All watercraft must remain strictly stock, except where rules allow or require substitutions or modifications. Changes or modifications not listed here are not permitted" This statement only calls out 61x/62t cylinders allowing the use of...
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