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  1. Skirunner24

    Super Jet 701 not holding compression and I need a spark plug interpretation!

    I got them out last night. Ended up using some pb blaster and a socket to knock them through. They were corroded in there pretty good. Anyone else with a reason on the bizarre plug coloring??
  2. Skirunner24

    Super Jet 701 not holding compression and I need a spark plug interpretation!

    Another thing...this may be a really stupid question, but I looked/searched all over and couldnt find anything. Is there a trick to removing the domes from my ADA head? They seem to be stuck in there pretty good and I don't want to risk marring anything up trying to get them out. Any tricks???
  3. Skirunner24

    Super Jet 701 not holding compression and I need a spark plug interpretation!

    Pisser stream looked strong.I didn't notice any sputtering or air passing through (although I wasn't looking for anything at that point) Is there a good place in particular to get the new orings from? Or just straight from ADA? Edit..Just ordered from mcmaster parts. Anybody else able to...
  4. Skirunner24

    Super Jet 701 not holding compression and I need a spark plug interpretation!

    I just picked this ski up a couple weeks ago and this morning was the first time I've had the chance to actually take her out. As you can see it has a b pipe and an ADA head as far as bolt on's go. As soon as I hit the water I knew it was running on one cylinder. The front cylinder is much...
  5. Skirunner24

    New BLACK WHITE transom tie downs/tow loops..STAINLESS....BACK IIN STOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll take two in black. PM sent with address!
  6. Skirunner24

    Custom/Hybrid Back Flush Kit

    pm/email sent
  7. Skirunner24

    New - SuperJet Specifically made for the RN & SN Tubbies - Front Sponsons -

    Same question, can I get a set of these??
  8. Skirunner24

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro backfiring

    Did you check the woodruff key?
  9. Skirunner24

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro 98 sxi pro starts when one spark plug is out of motor

    Had the exact same issue when I had my SXi. Ended up being a bad stator. Replaced the stator and she ran great. I believe it is also possible to see these symptoms with a sheared woodruff key. Verify you have strong spark on both plugs and go from there.
  10. Skirunner24

    Super Jet Epic scupper valve install on SN Superjet

    Awesome write up...I plan on doing this over the winter and this will be a very helpful reference.
  11. Skirunner24

    Other Keep the modded SXi, or sell for a SN SJ? HELP!

    I'd love too, unfortunately the wife disagrees. Part of the 2k budget would be contingent upon selling the SXi.
  12. Skirunner24

    Other Keep the modded SXi, or sell for a SN SJ? HELP!

    Ok here it goes...I have a feeling I may get burned at the stake for bringing this up, but I need some honest answers... I realize this has been beat to DEATH, but I'd like some specific advice. (yes I've searched and lurked for years) Here's my situation... I've got a slightly modded SXi with...
  13. Skirunner24

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro best flame arrestor?????/

    I ended up going back to stock. Just not worth the trouble/risk in my opinion.
  14. Skirunner24

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro New SXI PRO owner have a few questions.

    Huh, thats funny. Guess I must have had the 67.5's as well. Haha. The FP website had me confused with listing the 75 as stock. Anyway, I ended up buying three different pilot jets from to try out. Great prices, fast shipping. I picked up 75's, 80's, and an 82.5's. I...
  15. Skirunner24

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro New SXI PRO owner have a few questions. "96-UP 750SXi Main Jet : 147.5 (Stock) Pilot Jet : 75 (Stock) High speed screw : 7/8 turn out Low speed screw : 1 turn out Needle & Seat : Stock Spring : Stock Comment : Some applications may find #80 pilot better. " By...
  16. Skirunner24

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro New SXI PRO owner have a few questions.

    I have a very similar setup. (FP, FA's) Had the exact same symptoms with my sxi. Rebuilt the carbs - still had the same problem. I finally wised up and did some homework. She was starving for fuel when you stabbed the throttle. Rejetted the low speed jets to "80's" (stock is 67.5) and it...
  17. Skirunner24

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro 750 shorting out.

    ^X2 Had the same problem. Smoke and all. It was a bad starter.
  18. Skirunner24

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro Just Picked Up My First SXI!

    Thought I'd give an update in case anyone needs the info in the future... I ended up rejetting to 80's on the low. It now runs AWESOME. Also slapped on a high comp head. A little tweak with the low speed screws and I finally had a nice smooth, consistent powerband. I also switched back to...
  19. Skirunner24

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro Bilge Question

    Many will tell you to forget the mount and just 5200 it straight to the hull. Rough up the hull under the driveshaft, apply adhesive to the bilge "grill" base and hull, let it set up, snap in your bilge and your good to go. Mine has been holding strong for 3 years now. The brackets really...
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