Search results

  1. The Penguin

    December couch ride?

    anyone interested in hopping on a couch and riding 72 miles down the coast? It's mostly ICW except for crossing Matagorda Bay. It could be rough, but if we fall in behind one of the big offshore boats for that part of the trip - it could be fun. the guy that coordinates this is my neighbor and...
  2. The Penguin

    don't look now...

    dammit - and on a friggin Monday:
  3. The Penguin

    new layout

    please put the "site navigation" and "upcoming events" back where they were - there's a whole "dead" column on the left side of my screen because of them.
  4. The Penguin

    what's the plan?

    How far is the hotel/motel/RV park/campground from the riding area?
  5. The Penguin

    think it'll buff out?

    file this under..."oops"
  6. The Penguin

    surf's up this weekend?

    Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog Last Updated: 1:40 PM GMT on September 10, 2009 — Last Comment: 4:19 PM GMT on September 10, 2009 Elsewhere in the tropics An upper-level low pressure system has moved over Texas and is expected to spawn a surface low pressure system along the Texas Gulf of...
  7. The Penguin

    disposing of old premix

    I've got about 15 gallons of old (4 years or so) super-unleaded that was premixed at 40:1 ya'll think I could run it through my truck? - say a gallon or 2 per fill up (23-25 gallons depending on how far I stretch it) or should I just find a way to dispose of it otherwise?
  8. The Penguin

    No start SJ

    My old ski won't start. Pushing the start button - I get nothing. No click from the solenoid, starter not spinning. I seem to have power running through all cables - and they are all new from JSS as of early this year. The fuse is good. I believe the switch to be good - should I check the...
  9. The Penguin

    what size are the bolts...

    that hold the flame arrestor plate to 38mm carbs on a 62T? thanks!
  10. The Penguin

    installing an XR-Tech pump shoe

    I need to install this thing and can't figure out exactly what I'm supposed to be grinding on. I completely removed the old shoe last night. I've got it up in place with just the screws. What next? What type of glue? What should I use to grind it - and where do I grind it?
  11. The Penguin

    thread size for flywheel bolt?

    thought I had a bendix issue until further investigation proved otherwise. apparently - my mechanic did not torque the flywheel bolt properly and it back out of the crank. The end of the flywheel bolt is buggered up a bit - should I run a tap into the crank to make sure the threads are not...
  12. The Penguin

    Kawi throttle cable on SJ

    going to put one on my SN - who should I order from? Thanks
  13. The Penguin

    Calypso lost -n- found

    I ended up with the following items that don't belong to me: 1 pink/green striped sheet 1 pair sneakers (left in the grass by the stairs) 1 long sleeve rash guard shirt Steve0we's pillow (again)
  14. The Penguin

    removing b-pipe chamber

    is it possible to remove a mod chamber from a RN without moving the engine or removing the gas tank? I need to pull the chamber and either dent it - or glue some turf to the hull due to some rubbing...and the damn thing don't wanna come out. I don't really want to remove the tank if I don't...
  15. The Penguin

    anyone have a syringe?

    I need a syringe with a needle to inject some superglue behind my turf in the upper part of my footholds. anyone here have a couple they can bring? Or can I pick them up a few at Walgreens with the diabetic supplies?
  16. The Penguin

    For those staying in Calypso:

    the address is 102 Stanek Road (I think - will verify later) the sleeping accomodations are as follows: Calypso, sleeps 22: 8 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms 4 King Beds 1 Queen Bed 1 Double/Full Bed 2 Sleeper Sofas 6 Bunk Beds the list of people...
  17. The Penguin

    Home Made Vin's Vs. Swaping Vin's

    If you want to discuss the legality of switching VIN plates on a hull swap, and registration issues - do it in your own thread.
  18. The Penguin

    Renting a big house

    I'm talking with Brannan Realty about renting a house for LSFR. would be nice to rent a large house - there are 2 houses that will be ready for occupancy by March according to Brannan: Calypso, sleeps 22: 8...
  19. The Penguin

    electrical issues

    I thought my electrical problem was solved with the addition of a Jetworks battery (in place of the chitty Wally batteries I've been using) wrong. seems I still have an issue with the battery draining. Last night I put the charger on it - and it stayed at a reading of 12.1 volts for several...
  20. The Penguin

    leaking fuel from diaphragm cover

    noticed Sunday morning that my carb was leaking fuel from the diaphragm cover - as I take it apart, is there anything I should look for as the cause?
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