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  1. The Penguin

    Mad dash?

    who else is scrambling to get ready to leave? I've got to: clean & repack trailer bearings move bunks around load truck & trailer turf tray & rails of RN construct & install hood straps & limiting rope D-cut and install ride plate, install grate pack clothes & riding gear and get it all done...
  2. The Penguin


    anyone seen or heard from him? :sadwavey:
  3. The Penguin

    battery choice?

    Yuasa Deka Jet Works Odysee Interstate Need to order 2 batteries - and these seem to be mentioned the most on here. Yuasa was recommended by the Yamaha shop I just went by to pick up a carb kit. discuss...
  4. The Penguin


    Half drunk riding tomorrow what is 61X intake manifold torque spec?
  5. The Penguin

    yamanube - good seller

    exactly as described and shipped quick thanks!
  6. The Penguin

    couple o questions

    first pic - WTF are the 2 circled bosses for? second pic - WTF are the 2 circled holes for (I'm thinking possibly the dash panel)...and are the e-box mounting screws supposed to be off-center on a RN? they aren't on my SN.
  7. The Penguin

    what I learned today

    when your hull is hanging upside down and you are standing up inside it, laying glass to reinforce the handlepole mount... wear a hat. hopefully I got all the resin out of my hair - if not...I hope it grows out by the time I get to Daytona. :biggrin:
  8. The Penguin

    bubbles in epoxy/filler

    I'm trying to get my hull finished and to a painter. As I get the tubbies sanded down, I see I have many small bubbles in the fairing filler. How do I fix this? I'm thinking either another skim coat of fairing filler and more sanding - or to ask the painter to hit it with some high-build...
  9. The Penguin

    stuck impeller

    I've tried heat (propane torch) I've tried oil I've tried a 3' cheater I've tried a hammer on the cheater yes, I'm turning it the correct direction any other suggestions for getting off a stuck stainless impeller before I take a saw or cutting wheel to it?
  10. The Penguin

    A simple request

    One of my neighbors is saving pull tabs from drink cans. She gives them to her church and they use them to get cancer treatments for people that need them. Would everyone please save your pull tabs between now and the September ride and bring them to CB? Thanks!
  11. The Penguin

    Roll call - September Crystal Beach - who is in?

    Me Moondance QuickMick subseawellhead deez scum steveOwe +1 timbo swooperjet ATS_Aaron +??? Wave Chaser & Nick Poosibles: skinnyman
  12. The Penguin

    XMW/Team Scream

    anyone heard from them today? when I talked to Radney yesterday they were battening down the hatches. phone went straight to voicemail today.
  13. The Penguin

    b-pipe adjustment screw issues

    The used b-pipe I just bought has a few issues with the adjusting screws I am trying to resolve. The top screw is broken off, and ground flush with the boss - so I don't think removal is an option. Suggestions? The middle (underneath) screw is stuck. The locking nut is loose - so I'm going to...
  14. The Penguin

    Pro-Tec C2 girdled head hardware & o-rings

    anyone know the o-ring sizes for this head? how about the length of the short studs that thread into the cases? I bought a head that needs o-rings & studs. $30 for an o-ring set and $4 each for studs at Pro-tec. I'd like to order from...
  15. The Penguin

    boggy low end?

    61X top and bottom (no porting) lightened flywheel CDI with rev limiter disabled riva pipe can't rememeber jet sizes right now 95 gm spring probably 1.5 n/s I seem to have a bogging problem off idle. when I'm idling or just off-idle riding around and go to grab a handful of throttle - I'm...
  16. The Penguin

    pole spring issues?

    my SN has a AC pole on it. seems very heavy. when I first got the ski, I tightened up the pole bolt and was able to keep the pole very stiff. now - I can't get it tight enough, and the spring does not seem to make it feel very light what can I do to remedy the situation?
  17. The Penguin

    D-cutting an old rideplate

    marked up an old plate - is this too much? seems like it might be from some of the other pics I've seen.
  18. The Penguin

    directions to Lake Texoma,+Pottsboro,+TX+75076&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.66491,58.974609&ie=UTF8&ll=33.861347,-96.6678&spn=0.008357,0.014398&z=16&iwloc=A
  19. The Penguin


    are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we...
  20. The Penguin

    Kitty needs a nose job

    I don't remember what I did to break this - but I hope I had fun doing it :biggrin: any suggestions for how to fix it? so far I've sanded down front and back and right now have a piece of 2" ribbon stuck on the backside and drying - so hopefully that will give me a place to start.
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