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  1. CarterB

    Other Awesome Shoes for Riding

    havent tried them out yet but have heard from friends this winter that these are super tough and are made to be almost waterproof and have neoprene lined inners. pretty well priced compared to jetpilots that fall apart in two rides usually :(...
  2. CarterB

    I need some turf.

    i would expect SBT (BlackTip) to have their turf on hand since theyll be there and they got a really cool new turf design coming out real soon they should have to display
  3. CarterB

    I need some turf.

    i got some homo....and yes i placed an order on the 3rd as well and they promised it by the 11th and i really doubt ill get it before the 20th. HT is guaranteed to be late
  4. CarterB

    Surfriding SUPERFREAK Daytona freak out

    freshy fresh !!!!
  5. CarterB

    Freestyle LIGHTWEIGHT battery....? what are you running...?

    i can get dekas any size you want for $50 all day....will ship
  6. CarterB

    i NEED your address....! wetsuit

    i NEED your address....! wetsuit
  7. CarterB

    Surfriding freeride on tv right now ! 7pm AFV (americas funniest home video)

    just started EST 7pm AFV on abc. saw a video ive seen here before with a guy getting front flipped off his blaster while beaching it. looks like Blowsions freeride or somewhere North West :)
  8. CarterB

    Hull repair

    old thread but $20 in jb weld holds up better than any resin unless you start adding fiberglass
  9. CarterB

    Best freeriders in New Zealand.

    what a cool dolphin im sure you guys will greatly miss him.
  10. CarterB

    Superfreak badazz vid

    NICE!!!! Lucas rides at this pace non-stop! he has some serious endurance...because that machine will wear you out fast!
  11. CarterB

    Freestyle Winter Park (FL) Christmas Boat Parade, Dec. 11, 2010

    just rememeber your watercraft can not leave the water or its a ticket! dont forget the CGA vest and fire extinguisher
  12. CarterB

    Little nose job

    nice ! thats my riding style....KILL IT!.....fix it later
  13. CarterB

    CAMF steering system

    the kawi's def have simple hard to beat steering parts. they also vary model to model unlike superjet stuff thats been the same since 90 :(
  14. CarterB

    Blaster hull mods

  15. CarterB

    SXR hull chopping sxr style

    ya its pretty efficient...ill be doing the exact same thing tomorrow :)
  16. CarterB

    Surfriding couch mounts monkey mounts i break em all what next

    monkey mounts suk in my books. those blue urethane ones are dirt cheap. or just sak up and rotate :)
  17. CarterB

    Surfriding Daytona surf ride

    woah that pic is AWESOME!!!!! post that up in hi res!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. CarterB

    clear out your inbox dood

    clear out your inbox dood
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