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  1. CarterB

    Jets ski video Gold Coast Australia

    which model??? there are tons. is this a water proof small camera....or a larger one with a water proof case???
  2. CarterB

    Jets ski video Gold Coast Australia

    best vid ive seen in a long time! perfect waves and excellent fliming!!!! whats the cost of living there vs here (anyone?) SO NICE!!!
  3. CarterB

    Super Jet Purpose of the large rubber dampener on the bottom of the 2008+ SJ engines

    ive tried cutting down the couch dampeners so they fit in SJ's but i wasnt able to notice anything. i thought about trying to tether it to another part of the hull in multiple directions acting as a keeper with some play to it but gave up the idea
  4. CarterB

    Surfriding Idea for beefing up / repairing stock motor mounts

    couch mounts will stretch like a mofo (without breaking), so def run keepers or you will get your motor seperated from the midshaft coupler and still be temporarily immobile in the surf. i tried the through bolt idea even though it got shot down on here quick and i found that the vibrations and...
  5. CarterB

    Surf Boat Basics 101

    and buy a one size larger helmet if you are a westcoast rider as your head gets bigger than us eastcoast girls
  6. CarterB

    fat stupid couchers

    should have drove up blocking their vehicle and pretended you wanted to help....just buying time for their dubs to sink in a little more :nutkick:
  7. CarterB

    Blaster Intro and hull prep/paint question for Blaster project

    look into IMRON.....i get it through ColorWheel. its super easy to spray and even lays good rolling it on. its single stage and and rock hard pretty quick. Used for painting industrial stuff like fire trucks and UPS trucks. ive used it on my boat and a few skis. pretty cheap too $100-$200...
  8. CarterB

    some surf riding from this weekend.

    i love the stock graphics on a fresh ski
  9. CarterB

    BOB Review

    too bad there arent any good magazines that are focused on could entertain and inform us monthly :) post up pics !
  10. CarterB

    repairing PROK (junk) FA's

    give me one advantage of running expensive (junk) air filters over stock
  11. CarterB

    july 17 DAYTONA

    well damn......i guess ill go on saturday just to watch :) and take some pics
  12. CarterB

    july 17 DAYTONA

    that looks like im a 1/4 mile away in the video :( im outta country for 2 weeks so im going MIA for a while. im sure like 2 hurricane swells will pass by while im gone though
  13. CarterB

    july 17 DAYTONA

    id love to see whats on that gopro....i hit bottom in about 8 ft of water! i wish you guys lived closer....def let me know when you are going to be in town
  14. CarterB

    july 17 DAYTONA

  15. CarterB

    july 17 DAYTONA

    "crazy crackers!"
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